2015-16 projected lineup

Started by BuckyMatRat, May 13, 2015, 07:01:47 AM

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Quote from: billymurphy on May 22, 2015, 03:26:20 PM

125 Jimenez
133 Taylor
141 Lantz/Rowh/Grahek
149 Donar/Lubeck/Crone
157 Scharenbrock/Ruschell
165 Jordan
174 Robertson/Liegel/Stilling/
184 Christensen
197 Peissig/Ritter/Chadd
285 Medbery

I gotta' tell you, this potential line-up will not strike fear into the heart of most of the Big Ten schools the Badgers will face next year. It isn't that it is a "bad" lineup but rather, it has three "big dogs," about four "unknowns," and a couple of respectable guys filling in the other weights. That kind of lineup will beat Indiana (please don't prove me wrong) and most of the other non-conference teams Bucky faces, but it won't seriously challenge any of the top three (PSU, Iowa, and MN) in the Big Ten (for dual meets anyway). Based on individual match-ups (which are sometimes fairly fickle), Bucky might have problems with some of the other middle teams like NW, Michigan, IL, etc.

While Bucky might come out of the dual season smelling okay, they will be relying on three or four horses to represent the program at the NCAA. That's what happened the year BD won the coach of the year (despite having a losing dual meet record). So strange things happen.

That said, it is all what it is. That is the WI team for the coming season.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope


I think the dual season will be determined by the development of Jimenez and Christensen.  If they can seasons like Robertson did this year they can be in that 5-7 range. If not could very easily fall in the bottom half of big ten.

Hopefully a few of the guys at the other weights will develop and surprise, like a Crone or Sharenbrock.

Could really see this team struggling during the year, but place about where they did at NCAAs this year with the couple studs they do have.


Do not crown MN yet.  They will be in a serious rebuilding year. 


Gophers will truly be down next year. Penn State, Ohio State, and Iowa will finish 1-3 in some order. Followed by Michigan, Minny, Wis. and possibly Northwestern.

leg turk

Rumor has it, Barry will be giving us the projected starting line up at the Badger Steak fry coming up.  Buy your tickets now!


Didn't he do that last yr. with all of the weight drops


We fans demand more transparency - he gives us more transparency. We fans want more info - he gives us more info. So, we shouldn't complain just because the situation changes over time. I am sure BD wishes he didn't have to say anything about what things are going to look like in November.

So, take it for what it is worth.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope


Who is complaining npope? I for one am excited to see what we might look like next season!


"Followed by Michigan, Minny, Wis. and possibly Northwestern."

I have to think Illinois will put a decent team on the mat.  They have a returning national champion after all.

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Iowa graduated 5 starters - including 2 All-Americans.  Their returning 5 starters are very good, but they have some questions going into next year.
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School http://rvwrestlingalum.com/Programs/1982_files/145.pdf

leg turk

Quote from: Wisconsin Wrestling Fan on May 26, 2015, 10:26:57 PM
Iowa graduated 5 starters - including 2 All-Americans.  Their returning 5 starters are very good, but they have some questions going into next year.

I'm going out on a limb, and saying Iowa will end up being ok.


Quote from: Jimmy on May 26, 2015, 08:38:09 PM
Who is complaining npope? I for one am excited to see what we might look like next season!

Sorry Jimmy - I wasn't talking about you - you weren't complaining - I got that. It was a comment directed at forum posters more broadly because many of us complain about BD being so secretive and it was said tongue-in-cheek (although that, admittedly, doesn't translate well in a written post).

BD (and the whole program) play all of their card very close to the vest - not much in the way of new and meaningful information surfaces. The irony here is that while BD might actually announce something at the steak fry, whatever it might be doesn't really matter as things have a way of morphing into something else - as we saw last year. So an announcement by BD at this point is a lot like not making an announcement with respect to the lineup - whatever he says is subject to (significant) change. If I were BD I think I would do more of that - keep the fan base happy by making announcements that have littel bearing on anything (now, that is said tongue-in-cheek).
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

125 Jimenez/McClelland/Stickley/Cullen
133 Taylor/Lantz
141 Rowh/Grahek/Englebert (Thielke Projected Olympic Redshirt)
149 Lubeck/Crone/Donar/Martin
157 Ruschell/Scharenbrock/Cathery/Pedersen
165 Jordan/Quintanilla
174 Robertson/Liegel/Stilling/Reinhardt
184 Christensen/Veling/Hochstaetter
197 Peissig/Ritter/Chadd
285 Medbery/Horwath/Schmidt

Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School http://rvwrestlingalum.com/Programs/1982_files/145.pdf

lizard king

Now WWF that looks like some inside information?

leg turk

Can Robertson really make 174 and be healthy?  That scares me.