2015-16 projected lineup

Started by BuckyMatRat, May 13, 2015, 07:01:47 AM

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Good weight for him, I agree. I just wonder about his pedigree. Don't Donars usually grow a little later on? Maybe I'm off, but I thought previous Donars had some after HS growth. Again, I could be off. Just got off work and my head's spinning.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Big G....talking about things he knows nothing about!  Good for him!


At 149, the Badgers have a handful of relatively average guys (for DI level wrestlers) right now, don't they? Lubeck has been there for two years and demonstrated flashes of potential two years ago (last year was just a mess with the attempt to get him down to 141). Ruschell, it would seem, has moved up to 157 (so I have heard) but could still make the drop to 149 if the spot were open - right? But his move up was precipitated by his inability to take 149 away from Lubeck - or so I thought.

Donar's drop to 149 would seem to add another guy to the pool who is around that same level of ability. Is a drop for Donar considered a significant cut? From what I have been able to put together from recent performances, our 149 and 157 pounders are relatively comparable in terms of potential and results. If so, Donar dropping a weight really won't make much of a difference (for the team or Donar), would it? Why wouldn't he save the cut and just take on Ruschell for the 157 spot?

Not looking for a fight - just a sincere question from an outsider who doesn't know what transpires in the room.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope


I predict Crone wins the spot at 149 this year.
The plan for Lubeck to drop a weight last year clearly
did not work out.

Lantz has all summer to lift weights and get stronger
so the Badgers do not put an undersized guy at 141 for
two seasons in a row (or is the streak longer than that?).

lizard king

So with the lineups that are being projected here, I see the badgers having a very similar season as in past years.  Not saying good or bad, it all depends on your view.  It is rather clear that to crack that top three spots you have do do one heck of a job recruiting.  With all of the high national level tournaments now, it has become easier to tell who is the best, at least in HS. So, if the badgers can get some top recruits but not enough to be the best, what do they do?  Is it possible to take these good wrestlers that we get and make them great?  Or do we only look to next year hoping to get recruits?  I am seriously asking, wondering, has the art of coaching at the college level gone away?  What about the days when you found kids that were good, but more importantly you felt they had potential, and then made them into something great?  If a team like Wisconsin is ever going to win, they will need to build, not just recruit, but is that even possible today?


The coach that successfully recruits Mark Hall will earn his paycheck.

leg turk

Quote from: billymurphy on June 16, 2015, 08:56:52 AM
The coach that successfully recruits Mark Hall will earn his paycheck.

and Breske!  I hope both are coming to Madison!


After watching Hall for the first time at Junior World team Trials...all I can say is WOW that guy is on another level. If the Badgers could land him that could be a program changer....


Quote from: leg turk on June 16, 2015, 09:10:02 AM
Quote from: billymurphy on June 16, 2015, 08:56:52 AM
The coach that successfully recruits Mark Hall will earn his paycheck.

and Breske!  I hope both are coming to Madison!

As cool as it would be to have both of them come to Madison, we would likely have a lot of scholarship money tied up in the 74-97 weight classes if they both came.  That said, they would have great practice partners.  Christensen, Robertson, Ritter, Chadd, Hall and Breske would be one of the best groups in the country at those weights.

I would be very happy if we were to get either Breske or Hall.

lizard king

so I guess the response is we need to recruit?  Building from a lower level doesn't work anymore?


mkm, I guess I could care less if the $ is tied up in those weights.  I think you could still get either Ill, Minn or Wis kids to fill in the remainder and they go .500  To get a kid or kids who are potential national champs, yes I'd be happy w that.  Then at least you have something to build off of and make other kids open their eyes and show them it is possible to win a title at Wisco.  Look at what Zeke is doing in AZ. You think there is any $ left for 125-157?  I doubt it.  Good thing Sunkist is there to hand out checks.

Lizard, I would say yes, recruiting wins. 


Quote from: charteroak1 on June 16, 2015, 01:04:17 PM
Good thing Sunkist is there to hand out checks.

Well, there it is - the well-stocked teams aren't relying solely on the 9.9 scholarships allowed by the NCAA to support the stocking of their cupboards. Their booster clubs are generating significant funds that allow for, among other things, summer employment (and the like) of wrestlers not sucking up scholarship dollars.

If the Bucky wrestling club were better off financially I suspect you might see a much deeper roster at the UW.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope

lizard king

Sorry, I am having a hard time completely buying in here.  I agree that some schools have money and I know they have money coming in from other sources to pay kids.  I also know that some schools can promise enough summer camps to pay for a lot of, if not all of a year tuition.  So, having the money, the name, and/or the outside help to get recruits, is one way to pay/build a winning program.  It may even be the easiest way?  If Wisconsin is not able to do that for whatever reason, is there no other way?  I believe, with my very limited actual knowledge in this arena, that there are a number of kids in this nation, and maybe Wisconsin, that could be coached to be AA material, and they are unknown enough to not be real expensive.  I could be wrong, and it would take some work and ability to find them, but I think they are there and it is another way to skin the cat.


It helps if you have the talent to start with. Success feeds success; success brings talent. Tough to make a living developing a working stiff into a super hero. Can you think of any coach that does that with regularity? That that is the way their program works? I don't know, but any program I can think of that is top-shelf has a load of high school super studs on the team.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope

dad 2 5

Last season the W had three AA. We would all expect Zeke and RT to return and AA and improve on their podium standing. Not sure what Connor will do. Let's say he take the O redshirt. I would call next year ok if we add an AA.

I would think it would be Robertson at 74. Throw in that I think JJ could if he gets in shape coming out of the summer and is healthy. The other that I will be interested in is Lantz. I think I see something there that could be big potential. Not sure how the rest will pan out yet.