2015-16 projected lineup

Started by BuckyMatRat, May 13, 2015, 07:01:47 AM

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Quote from: billymurphy on June 01, 2015, 01:12:37 PM
I think we will find Lantz on varsity at 141.
I also do not think we see Schmidt at varsity heavyweight at he has struggled going up to heavyweight.
I do not see the point of Redshirting both Ritter and Chadd if they
are both better than Peissig.  197 lbs is a unique weight.  Too small
for heavyweight and too big for 184.  Thus, both Chadd and Ritter
will be career 197 lbs guys.  Naturally it is tremendously beneficial
to redshirt but I do not think the Badgers will have that luxury
to redshirt both next year.

I wonder if any of us see Schmidt at any weight next year. Just did not seem to have it this year.

I thought Ritter was an 84 pound recruit and Chadd would be the 97 pounder for the future. I also think it may take a year for both to get comfortable with the weights I talk about unless I am totally wrong on my thought process.

I would like to see Pessig get a shot for 1 year if the Badgers are going to get Chadd and Ritter comfortable at those weights. While I am not going to say Pessig is AA material but from what I have seen he doesnt quite or run out of gas either. Also not as talented as TM but seems to have more fire to last 7 minutes also.

Just some opinions and that is all.


11-10-14   Wisconsin   No. 64 Hunter Ritter   John Carroll   MD   184/197

You are correct.   Chadd is at 197 and Ritter is a 184/197. 

I had figured Ritter and Chadd to be 197 lbs guys.
We will find out soon enough if I was wrong or not.

It could mean that Robertson would be more likely to drop to
174 if he wanted, as Ritter would get the wide open 184 spot.
I think it is pretty clear that Christensen is a 174 lbs guy at this
point in his career, not 184.


So, the big questions seems can Robertson get to 174 and stay there a while?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


After watching Lantz's match last weekend, it looks like he's put on some quality lbs.  Even though he only weighted in at 134 he looks a heck of a lot bigger(stronger). 

My $.02
125 JJ
133 Taylor
141 Lantz
149 Crone
157 Ruschell
165 Zeke
174 Ricky
184 Christensen
197 Peissig  RS the Freshman
Hvy Horwath  ORS Connor.  Save him for 2016-17 Coon vs Connor in the finals.  That would also give Connor a year to work with Gremmel


Quote from: charteroak1 on June 03, 2015, 03:04:49 PM
After watching Lantz's match last weekend, it looks like he's put on some quality lbs.  Even though he only weighted in at 134 he looks a heck of a lot bigger(stronger). 

My $.02
125 JJ
133 Taylor
141 Lantz
149 Crone
157 Ruschell
165 Zeke
174 Ricky
184 Christensen
197 Peissig  RS the Freshman
Hvy Horwath  ORS Connor.  Save him for 2016-17 Coon vs Connor in the finals.  That would also give Connor a year to work with Gremmel

Kind of what I thought also but I have 74/84 switched around but pretty much the same.

I do wonder about Crone. I have heard much to do about him in the past few years but Rylan seems to be the guy wrestling. Not sure what is going on there.

I agree that Medbury will take an ORS year and then come back in 16-17.

I do think that Lantz will be a tad on the small side at 41 but I sure do like what he has on the mat though.

dad 2 5

Seems to me the Crone is small at 49 and he has battled the leg injuries. I like his motor. He will wrestle every second of a match and has won a couple of them right at the end or OT. He is kind of funky too which makes him have a big upside. Seems like RL is strong, keep all his matches close and is technically sound.


I Love Lubeck's upper body work to set up shots. I've always enjoyed watching his style.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

I would think Crone could make 141 easier than Robertson making 174, based on the freestyle weights they have wrestled most recently...
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School http://rvwrestlingalum.com/Programs/1982_files/145.pdf

Musky Hunter

Quote from: hammer on June 01, 2015, 10:07:23 PM
Quote from: jaguarwrestler on June 01, 2015, 07:09:58 AM
Quote from: hammer on May 29, 2015, 07:50:31 PM
Quote from: Wisconsin Wrestling Fan on May 27, 2015, 11:14:07 PM
125 Jimenez/McClelland/Stickley/Cullen
133 Taylor/Lantz
141 Rowh/Grahek/Englebert (Thielke Projected Olympic Redshirt)
149 Lubeck/Crone/Donar/Martin
157 Ruschell/Scharenbrock/Cathery/Pedersen
165 Jordan/Quintanilla
174 Robertson/Liegel/Stilling/Reinhardt
184 Christensen/Veling/Hochstaetter
197 Peissig/Ritter/Chadd
285 Medbery/Horwath/Schmidt

I think your pretty good on this one but I have to add some personal opinion which are not facts but something to think about.

I believe Medbery takes an olympic re-shirt year.
Schmidt will not be on the team next year.
Lantz and Taylor will battle it out at 133 but you said that already
197 is Peissig spot to lose
We watched Thielkes last year with the Badgers
I hope Robertson doesnt fall into the trap that happened last year when they figured out the weights were to low and all went up.
I think Christianson is better suited for 74

Just some of my thoughts and nothing is fact just opinions.

I thought Lantz was always going to be 141? If he doesn't bulk up (if he can) he will be sitting at least the next 2 years as Mr. Taylor is a top 3 wrestler in the nation. I hope he can fill out and battle for 141 as I see a need there and he as our best fit.

I have to agree with Lantz hopefully beefing up to 41 next year. I will add that I dont think he cuts as much as Taylor to get to 33 either. That makes me wonder if it will be another year before Lantz makes that move up to 41 or if in some strange world Taylor moves up to 41.

Once again, just some opinions coming from me. I know basically nothing and like to see myself in print.

Lantz might be a beast but battle RT?  Just don't understand this.  Like last year this board was blowing up saying Jimenez was goin to knock him out.  RT, Zeke and Connor are complete beasts.  These three men are top in the country.  We are lucky to watch them compete.  I hope we can just appreciate what we have to watch for a couple years. 


Quote from: boowrestle on June 01, 2015, 08:22:15 PM
does anybody really care what corner Donny P is sitting in???   :(    I know I could care less!¡¡!!

If you could care less, does that mean you care?


Quote from: JAMMIN on June 05, 2015, 06:58:45 AM
Quote from: boowrestle on June 01, 2015, 08:22:15 PM
does anybody really care what corner Donny P is sitting in???   :(    I know I could care less!¡¡!!

If you could care less, does that mean you care?

You need to say I could NOT care less.  Meaning I care as less as I am possible to care about something.


Quote from: charteroak1 on June 03, 2015, 03:04:49 PM
After watching Lantz's match last weekend, it looks like he's put on some quality lbs.  Even though he only weighted in at 134 he looks a heck of a lot bigger(stronger). 

My $.02
125 JJ
133 Taylor
141 Lantz
149 Donar
157 Ruschell
165 Zeke
174 Ricky
184 Christensen
197 Peissig  RS the Freshman
Hvy Horwath  ORS Connor.  Save him for 2016-17 Coon vs Connor in the finals.  That would also give Connor a year to work with Gremmel

You do realize that there is a JJ that is on the team at that weight so maybe we should call him Johnny so there isn't any confusion...


If gwiz ors then either coon or Connor won't be in the finals 2017


Can Donar make 149 ?  The projected Badger line-up is middle of the road in the Big10 and maybe top 15 in the country. They do have some very competitive wrestlers at a few weights, but overall they will play second fiddle to Ohio St, Iowa, Penn St, and MN. Both Iowa and MN graduated a bunch, but I still give them a slight edge over the Badgers. I hope I'm wrong. I would love to see the Badgers break into the top 3.


From what I have heard. He is going to cut to make 149.. I think it will be a good weight for him.