Federal Court-wolf hunting ends now

Started by maggie, December 19, 2014, 07:00:37 PM

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Recent posts on this thread give perfect reason to federal checks and balances. You always think the state can swing on its own; but, then you get poachers and paid-off politicians right here in WI.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


regardless of what you meant hammer, About 15 yrs ago, I had a close friend whom acquired some land in an area called the "New Wood" a bit north of Merrell off Lake Alexander on the Wis River, he was out one morning clearing his land on a smaller Bulldozer when he notice a Wolf about 60 yds from him as he was working on the dozer, he said  was quite amazed because it was the first time he had ever seen a Wolf not retreat when he seen one, he keeping working and a few Minutes later he noticed a few more on the opposite side of him at about the same distance and then a few more, he said within 10 Minutes, there were 7 wolfs that he could see not 60 yds from him, noise and all,  so he decided to head towards his truck, because as he put it, he was being stalked and headed back home, i happen to be over to his house with friends when he arrived and after telling us about it, he called the DNR guy up there named Joe Writer  (can't forget that name because he checked me out fishing many time and i have a friend with the same name) and he told him, it's a good thing ya didn't shoot and got to your truck and left, because had ya shoot them, because had we been notified and found out about it..I would have arrested ya. :o,  I couldn't believe he said that, i asked him, what it would take to killing one in an situation like that, and he said, many Liable witnesses and an act of god! he also added that he has been called to situations just like this one more than once in his yrs as an agent where people had no idea they were being though of as supper...he said, if ya do have too shoot one, you better have had a Dang good cause, thats all i can say...and left it at that...wow, that statement for some reason didn't sit very well with any of us, putting an animal's life ahead of my own didn't and still doesn't seem right..yes, if threatened, i would shoot Hammer, in this case, my buddy did the right thing and got to safety and left..don't you agree?.....after all, it's real easy to pull the 270 out from the back seat and shoot an animal just because ya don't like it or find it a nuisance...    
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: wrestle84 on February 04, 2015, 07:11:46 AM
Quote from: Goat Roper on February 03, 2015, 08:15:21 PM
Take the population into your own hands and shoot every wolf you see.  It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught.

Sad, but true. Until the state or feds are willing to control the population this is what will happen. It is not good for any wildlife, but as long as the problem is not being adressed people will take matters into their own hands. That means illigal traps, snares, and poision being placed in the woods. Many non-target species will be suffer the consequences also. If the gov would be doing their job, there would be much less of this going on.

You're going to blame poaching on government/politicians?

What problem was not being addressed?

Some twisted rationalizing, here.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: maggie on February 07, 2015, 08:12:39 AM
regardless of what you meant hammer, About 15 yrs ago, I had a close friend whom acquired some land in an area called the "New Wood" a bit north of Merrell off Lake Alexander on the Wis River, he was out one morning clearing his land on a smaller Bulldozer when he notice a Wolf about 60 yds from him as he was working on the dozer, he said  was quite amazed because it was the first time he had ever seen a Wolf not retreat when he seen one, he keeping working and a few Minutes later he noticed a few more on the opposite side of him at about the same distance and then a few more, he said within 10 Minutes, there were 7 wolfs that he could see not 60 yds from him, noise and all,  so he decided to head towards his truck, because as he put it, he was being stalked and headed back home, i happen to be over to his house with friends when he arrived and after telling us about it, he called the DNR guy up there named Joe Writer  (can't forget that name because he checked me out fishing many time and i have a friend with the same name) and he told him, it's a good thing ya didn't shoot and got to your truck and left, because had ya shoot them, because had we been notified and found out about it..I would have arrested ya. :o,  I couldn't believe he said that, i asked him, what it would take to killing one in an situation like that, and he said, many Liable witnesses and an act of god! he also added that he has been called to situations just like this one more than once in his yrs as an agent where people had no idea they were being though of as supper...he said, if ya do have too shoot one, you better have had a Dang good cause, thats all i can say...and left it at that...wow, that statement for some reason didn't sit very well with any of us, putting an animal's life ahead of my own didn't and still doesn't seem right..yes, if threatened, i would shoot Hammer, in this case, my buddy did the right thing and got to safety and left..don't you agree?.....after all, it's real easy to pull the 270 out from the back seat and shoot an animal just because ya don't like it or find it a nuisance...    

So the wolves lives are more valuable than humans life?

Umm sounds like a "liberal mindset" ........😀

Of course this all depends if the story was true or not.


Quote from: bigG on February 09, 2015, 06:42:07 AM
Quote from: wrestle84 on February 04, 2015, 07:11:46 AM
Quote from: Goat Roper on February 03, 2015, 08:15:21 PM
Take the population into your own hands and shoot every wolf you see.  It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught.

Sad, but true. Until the state or feds are willing to control the population this is what will happen. It is not good for any wildlife, but as long as the problem is not being adressed people will take matters into their own hands. That means illigal traps, snares, and poision being placed in the woods. Many non-target species will be suffer the consequences also. If the gov would be doing their job, there would be much less of this going on.

You're going to blame poaching on government/politicians?

What problem was not being addressed?

Some twisted rationalizing, here.

If the government followed the wolf management plan and kept the population below 350 would there be less poaching of wolves? I think there is no question that the answer is yes.


So, it's okay to poach if the government doesn't regulate as you see fit.

Wow. We should all be vigilantes. ::)

I think poachers are poachers and don't care about the plan or the law. They are the reason for more regulation and relisting. Blame a judge rather than some ignorant felons.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 09, 2015, 11:20:26 AM
So, it's okay to poach if the government doesn't regulate as you see fit.

Wow. We should all be vigilantes. ::)

I think poachers are poachers and don't care about the plan or the law. They are the reason for more regulation and relisting. Blame a judge rather than some ignorant felons.

Your reading comprehension needs some work. I never once said it was ok to poach. Nice of you to put words in my mouth just so you can argue some more though. Would you be ok with me making up stuff that you never said? You don't seem to have a problem doing it to other people.


Quote from: wrestle84 on February 04, 2015, 07:11:46 AM
Quote from: Goat Roper on February 03, 2015, 08:15:21 PM
Take the population into your own hands and shoot every wolf you see.  It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught.

Sad, but true. Until the state or feds are willing to control the population this is what will happen. It is not good for any wildlife, but as long as the problem is not being adressed people will take matters into their own hands. That means illigal traps, snares, and poision being placed in the woods. Many non-target species will be suffer the consequences also. If the gov would be doing their job, there would be much less of this going on.

You don't rationalize poaching, here, as being a government failure (as opposed to the individual being in the wrong)?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 09, 2015, 02:17:37 PM
Quote from: wrestle84 on February 04, 2015, 07:11:46 AM
Quote from: Goat Roper on February 03, 2015, 08:15:21 PM
Take the population into your own hands and shoot every wolf you see.  It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught.

Sad, but true. Until the state or feds are willing to control the population this is what will happen. It is not good for any wildlife, but as long as the problem is not being adressed people will take matters into their own hands. That means illigal traps, snares, and poision being placed in the woods. Many non-target species will be suffer the consequences also. If the gov would be doing their job, there would be much less of this going on.

You don't rationalize poaching, here, as being a government failure (as opposed to the individual being in the wrong)?

I gave reasons why people poach, I didn't rationalize it, in fact, I did the opposite, I said it was not good. I'm not sure what level your reading skills are at, but I don't think anyone would claim that not good means ok. I never said it was ok. Big difference. You can twist it however you want, I never, ever said it was ok to poach. But I guess it is ok for you to post something I never said as fact? Pretty said that you would do that just to argue some more. It looks like your high horse is really just a Shetland.


Oh, it's true alright rammy, plus note, I never said a wolfs live was more valuable that a humans....the DNR man suggest that himself, maybe ya better  re read what I posted..comprehend son...
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


What was the big problem government failed to address? Last data I saw said they caused +/- $25k per year in damage.

What if the powers that be decide we're good at 1,500 wolves?

" I gave reasons why people poach, I didn't rationalize it"

Rationalize: attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate.

Looks like your Shetland is really a Schnauzer. ;)

You attempt to explain poaching by some mysterious act of government that isn't taking place. You think not hunting/trapping causes poaching?

Glad you don't think it's okay to poach. I not only think it's wrong; but there is no explanation nor excuse for it. Just lack of ethics, upbringing, empathy, etc.

I get mad enough at "sportsmen" who leave beer cans, wrappers, etc. laying around. Poachers are a much nastier breed of cat that gives plenty of fuel to the tree hugger groups.

Funny, many on here want this judge's head on a pole; but are cool with the poacher.

"Umm sounds like a "liberal mindset" "

The people you call "liberal" on here, don't share that mindset, though.
You were all over this judge, Ram; but it's okay we have a pacher right on the forum. ???

Is poaching a conservative mindset? Not the cons I know.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 09, 2015, 05:20:16 PM
What was the big problem government failed to address? Last data I saw said they caused +/- $25k per year in damage.

What if the powers that be decide we're good at 1,500 wolves?

" I gave reasons why people poach, I didn't rationalize it"

Rationalize: attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate.

Looks like your Shetland is really a Schnauzer. ;)

You attempt to explain poaching by some mysterious act of government that isn't taking place. You think not hunting/trapping causes poaching?

Glad you don't think it's okay to poach. I not only think it's wrong; but there is no explanation nor excuse for it. Just lack of ethics, upbringing, empathy, etc.

I get mad enough at "sportsmen" who leave beer cans, wrappers, etc. laying around. Poachers are a much nastier breed of cat that gives plenty of fuel to the tree hugger groups.

Funny, many on here want this judge's head on a pole; but are cool with the poacher.

"Umm sounds like a "liberal mindset" "

The people you call "liberal" on here, don't share that mindset, though.
You were all over this judge, Ram; but it's okay we have a pacher right on the forum. ???

Is poaching a conservative mindset? Not the cons I know.

You didn't answer the question. Would it be ok for me to post something you never said and post it as a fact? Or is it only ok when you do it? You completely lied when you said I was ok with poaching. You keep trying to rationalize your lie, but I have yet to see your retraction. If it wasn't a lie, you should have no problem showing where I said poaching was ok.


"This same state management that you would like to use as a reason not to have a hunt."

Like this? I guess it was okay; although incorrect. You're forgiven.

You certainly did rationalize poaching.

I retract you said poaching was okay. You never apologized for you not knowing whether I am or not for banning the hunt/trap. I'm for a well-run hunt/trap.

You did, indeed, rationalize poaching, though; which led me to believe you felt it was okay. Given the ink spilled on the judge and lack of ink on the poacher, I have to worry about the scruples of those tough on one and ignorant of the other.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Seem I read 5 pages ago that a few of you were done with this tread... ;)....old G wins again.... :)
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


maggie, I am sure there are many stories out there like that. I have heard a few and it involves a few farmers and live stock.I was simply asking about a story that I remembered reading about a wolf that was shot on a property in the northern part of the state. If I remember the wolf was camped out on the front yard and was being aggressive, the wolf was shot from a short distance also. I was hoping someone would remember it.

Also, there was a wolf shot in Price County some time back and it had a tracker on it and the person drove to the superior area to ditch the remains and was caugh while he was doing it. That person got some time in the state system for some time to think about that.I think in this age the DNR would be able to tell if you shot a wolf from 50 feet or 50 yards. I would think that a 50 foot shot in the head or shoulders would be classified as a defense in some cases.