Federal Court-wolf hunting ends now

Started by maggie, December 19, 2014, 07:00:37 PM

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Quote from: maggie on February 09, 2015, 10:21:23 PM
Seem I read 5 pages ago that a few of you were done with this tread... ;)....old G wins again.... :)

I didn't win; and won't until these dopes we elect get off their paid-off high horses and do something with the interests of the state and country, not just their donors, in mind.

The idea people can't defend their livestock, nor themselves, is pretty sad. So is the idea that we have low-life poachers out there who ruin it for the rest of us who can follow a stinkin' law. After learning what I learned here these past few pages; I sill favor a hunt/trap, but doubt it could happen so nicely, as there are people who think they own the woods, and can do as they please with our natural resources. Old debate, there.  Tree huggers v. gun nuts. They deserve each other. But, the rest of us have to lose some privileges because of the ignorance from both sides. Both claiming conservation but really just profiting from the word.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


driving to another area to dispose of the remains when it had a tracking device on it.. :o   in that case, he deserved some time in the slammer...don't ya THINK?, quite obvious he wasn't and didn't..thats funny...LOL....i know of a guy who shoot a little Doe on a drive and after the drive the group was one tag short...he later was caught and charged with poached or possessing a deer without a tag for it,talk about stupid... he had it hanging in his shed out in the middle of nowhere on private land with 5 others that were all tagged, he got wet feet and started feeling guilty about it and thought for some stupid reason that the Wardens were going to come over to his shed...so, instead of simply cutting it up with the rest of them, he decided to toss it in his truck and head down the road to get rid of it, he was caught tossing it out a half mile from his shed on his own land.. :o...it's stories like this that make me laugh at how stupid some people that are able to posses guns really can be..an honest poucher... :)
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: maggie on February 10, 2015, 07:30:38 AM
driving to another area to dispose of the remains when it had a tracking device on it.. :o   in that case, he deserved some time in the slammer...don't ya THINK?, quite obvious he wasn't and didn't..thats funny...LOL....i know of a guy who shoot a little Doe on a drive and after the drive the group was one tag short...he later was caught and charged with poached or possessing a deer without a tag for it,talk about stupid... he had it hanging in his shed out in the middle of nowhere on private land with 5 others that were all tagged, he got wet feet and started feeling guilty about it and thought for some stupid reason that the Wardens were going to come over to his shed...so, instead of simply cutting it up with the rest of them, he decided to toss it in his truck and head down the road to get rid of it, he was caught tossing it out a half mile from his shed on his own land.. :o...it's stories like this that make me laugh at how stupid some people that are able to posses guns really can be..an honest poucher... :)

Maybe just maybe you should be more picky about whom you hang wit,h you were just as guilty as everyone with that poacher was considering you were aware of a crime and did not report it.

But as I said before for this to be true the story you tell has to be true and frankly Maggie with you it's really hard to tell what is  truth and what is illusion.


Quote from: hammer on February 09, 2015, 10:59:06 PM
maggie, I am sure there are many stories out there like that. I have heard a few and it involves a few farmers and live stock.I was simply asking about a story that I remembered reading about a wolf that was shot on a property in the northern part of the state. If I remember the wolf was camped out on the front yard and was being aggressive, the wolf was shot from a short distance also. I was hoping someone would remember it.

Also, there was a wolf shot in Price County some time back and it had a tracker on it and the person drove to the superior area to ditch the remains and was caugh while he was doing it. That person got some time in the state system for some time to think about that.I think in this age the DNR would be able to tell if you shot a wolf from 50 feet or 50 yards. I would think that a 50 foot shot in the head or shoulders would be classified as a defense in some cases.

Do you have a link or anything to the Price County wolf shot with the tracker. I read the Price County Review every week and don't recall seeing anything about that.


comprehend Rammy, why are you having such a hard time doing so? Comprehending is obviously not your strong suit   ;) ..........let me repeat  slowly for you....'I KNOW OF A GUY"  now, does it anywhere in there slightly suggest that "WE HANG TOGETHER? as you are suggesting?....maybe you should be explaining this to your buddy, the self proclaimed POUCHER....by the way, where did he run too?...
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: maggie on February 10, 2015, 09:23:01 AM
comprehend Rammy, why are you having such a hard time doing so? Comprehending is obviously not your strong suit   ;) ..........let me repeat  slowly for you....'I KNOW OF A GUY"  now, does it anywhere in there slightly suggest that "WE HANG TOGETHER? as you are suggesting?....maybe you should be explaining this to your buddy, the self proclaimed POUCHER....by the way, where did he run too?...

Oh so that entire story is a second hand third hand story or just another story you made up to draw attention to yourself?


Quote from: wrestle84 on February 10, 2015, 09:03:00 AM
Quote from: hammer on February 09, 2015, 10:59:06 PM
maggie, I am sure there are many stories out there like that. I have heard a few and it involves a few farmers and live stock.I was simply asking about a story that I remembered reading about a wolf that was shot on a property in the northern part of the state. If I remember the wolf was camped out on the front yard and was being aggressive, the wolf was shot from a short distance also. I was hoping someone would remember it.

Also, there was a wolf shot in Price County some time back and it had a tracker on it and the person drove to the superior area to ditch the remains and was caugh while he was doing it. That person got some time in the state system for some time to think about that.I think in this age the DNR would be able to tell if you shot a wolf from 50 feet or 50 yards. I would think that a 50 foot shot in the head or shoulders would be classified as a defense in some cases.

Do you have a link or anything to the Price County wolf shot with the tracker. I read the Price County Review every week and don't recall seeing anything about that.

I could have the county wrong but had family in the county and they sent the article to me 7-8 years ago. It was reported in a big newspaper at one time and made several news reports.

I assumed it was price county because of were my family was living but I could be wrong.


I just looked up wolfs shot in Wisconsin.I came across an article from the Chippewa Herold from December or 2006 about 9 wolfs shot during deer hunting. The list the counties and Price was one of them.

I could be misstaken about were someone took the remains but they talk of arresting a man for one of the shootings.My memory could be pretty poor on actually places but just looking up wolf shootings in Wisconsin there are a few pages of this that happens and some of it doesnt look the legal part either.

Sorry if I misslead because that was not the intention at all, trying to jog up some memories of these shootings and like I asked before about shooting them in the head or neck, just wondering if that was true or not.


Quote from: hammer on February 10, 2015, 11:16:30 AM
I just looked up wolfs shot in Wisconsin.I came across an article from the Chippewa Herold from December or 2006 about 9 wolfs shot during deer hunting. The list the counties and Price was one of them.

I could be misstaken about were someone took the remains but they talk of arresting a man for one of the shootings.My memory could be pretty poor on actually places but just looking up wolf shootings in Wisconsin there are a few pages of this that happens and some of it doesnt look the legal part either.

Sorry if I misslead because that was not the intention at all, trying to jog up some memories of these shootings and like I asked before about shooting them in the head or neck, just wondering if that was true or not.

Just curious, because the only people I remember being ticketed for shooting wolves are a few that have turned themselves in after accidently shooting a wolf. I don't remember hearing about someone being caught with a tracker or anyone doing time because of it.

Handles II

No such thing as a "good poacher" just scum.

Handles II

You keep those wolves you poach eh? Good eating I'm sure. 

Trying to pretend you are doing something right by comparing yourself to another group doesn't make you right no matter who they are or what they do. You are a poacher.


Quote from: Handles II on February 10, 2015, 07:01:29 PM
You keep those wolves you poach eh? Good eating I'm sure. 

Trying to pretend you are doing something right by comparing yourself to another group doesn't make you right no matter who they are or what they do. You are a poacher.

So I did not see one thing where Goat admitted to doing anything? so HandlesII you are judge and jury and hangman funny how you make these crazy off the HandleII proclamations without any cause other than your emotions.

How do you know Wolf if prepared properly is not absolutely delicious?

Handles II

It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught.~Goat

See no evil ramjet, keep those eyes shut tight.


Yea he is pushing ur buttons and you run with it and in the context with the rest of the post he never said it was he that poached again you only see what YOU want to.


"Take the population into your own hands and shoot every wolf you see.  It isn't illegal unless you get caught.  To date, I haven't been caught."

If you don't think this would be probablE cause for investigation, I fear you're hate for the tree hugger and love for the poacher has you leaning way to one side.

This, to me, is an admission of poaching. If Maggie had said this, you'd probably drop the dime.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.