My current D3 projected front-runners at each weight

Started by rankwizard, July 26, 2023, 08:18:15 AM

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It really isn't a big deal.

Guys spend extra years in college to chase more accolades. It isn't something to get all crazy about. Life is life. You just do it. Do whatever you do. Don't stress about some kid greyshirting... it's totally fine and their call.


The problem with this situation is that this wrestler is one of the best in the country and does not need a grey shirt to catch up.  I don't care if the wrestler is average.  Unless they are having academic problems (or maybe even social problems), they should not be held back just for sports in 8th grade.  To me, it is cheating in a way.  Now, if this same child was held back before they even started school that is fine.  Most likely it was that the parents didn't think they were ready academically or maybe socially at 5 years old.  In the end the family is going to do what they want and that is fine. 


IF we consider cocurriculars to be that, rather than extracurricular what is wrong with this?  You are holding them back for a competitive advantage.  If a child was struggling in school academically, they might be held back to their advantage as well. 
Quote from: PH on August 07, 2023, 08:40:48 PMI don't see any good reason for holding a child back in 8th grade unless it is for academic reasons only.  Any other reason has no integrity in my opinion.  I saw the "Phenom" wrestle and he would have no problem sticking with the competition at the high school level.  Once again, what lessons do we want to teach our youth.
I would like to reach through the screen and slap the next person who starts a thread about "global warming." Wraslfan
"Obama thinks we should all be on welfare."  BigG
"MN will eventually go the way of Greece." Wraslfan


Quote from: MNbadger on August 22, 2023, 02:35:51 PMIF we consider cocurriculars to be that, rather than extracurricular what is wrong with this?  You are holding them back for a competitive advantage.  If a child was struggling in school academically, they might be held back to their advantage as well.
Quote from: PH on August 07, 2023, 08:40:48 PMI don't see any good reason for holding a child back in 8th grade unless it is for academic reasons only.  Any other reason has no integrity in my opinion.  I saw the "Phenom" wrestle and he would have no problem sticking with the competition at the high school level.  Once again, what lessons do we want to teach our youth.

The advantage you discuss is to get them on a more even playing field, not to get ahead.

I don't care one bit, it's a pretty regular occurrence for other states to have guys 19 and wrestling, some even close to 20. I'm sure schools take that into account when recruiting, me, I'd rather take the 17yo stud vs 20yo stud as there is likely more upside, not guaranteed of course.


If you think the Fennimore issue is just a little thing, think again. It opens pandoras box for other "vendetta" holders to act on frivolous occurrences. And the fact that the ENTIRE athletic program pays the price for any of it, blows my mind. I am a rules guy. I get it. But this all could have been handled with a letter/email telling the school they are walking a thin line. And that is it. Probation isn't just nothing. Any and all actions made by the athletic department will be under a microscope. If not by the WIAA, by people waiting to pounce on anything that they feel is a rule being broken. It's an over reach.

A move made by adults that the kids pay the price for. Dumb.

No One Cares

Quote from: VQOriginal on August 23, 2023, 11:36:10 AMIf you think the Fennimore issue is just a little thing, think again. It opens pandoras box for other "vendetta" holders to act on frivolous occurrences. And the fact that the ENTIRE athletic program pays the price for any of it, blows my mind. I am a rules guy. I get it. But this all could have been handled with a letter/email telling the school they are walking a thin line. And that is it. Probation isn't just nothing. Any and all actions made by the athletic department will be under a microscope. If not by the WIAA, by people waiting to pounce on anything that they feel is a rule being broken. It's an over reach.

A move made by adults that the kids pay the price for. Dumb.

It seems pretty simple to me.  Just don't break any more rules. Is that a hard thing to comply by?  Are you suggesting that they should be allowed to break more rules without consequence?  I would think that this athletic department will now be the most buttoned up in the state....which one would hope all would be.


This message is for MNbadger.  Cocurriculars and extracorriculars (academics/sports) are 2 totally different things.  It is state law that children have to be in school.  It is not state law that they participate in sports.  Let's not twist things here.  Like I said, I don't agree with an average wrestler being held back in 8th grade, so an average academic student shouldn't be either.  Someone getting straight A's definately shouldn't be held back, so if you want to compare the academic world with the wrestling world, the PHENOM is definately getting straight A's in 8th grade for that argument.  Now, if he is struggling in school academically, I have no problem with this choice.  I just don't know if that is what is happening. I am done commenting on this topic.  If you don't get where I am coming from, you never will.  By the way, I was 88 lbs as a freshman wrestling 98lbs back in the day (my parents never thought of holding me back because my grades were pretty good).  Oh, and when I won a state title my senior year, I was 17.   


I did not intend to offend you.  I am not in favor of holding kids back for sports or moving to different schools either.  But, we claim sports are a crucial part of the educational experience( hence the change from extracurricular to cocurricular).  I am just pointing put how we often hold contradictory positions on things.
Quote from: PH on August 23, 2023, 01:29:56 PMThis message is for MNbadger.  Cocurriculars and extracorriculars (academics/sports) are 2 totally different things.  It is state law that children have to be in school.  It is not state law that they participate in sports.  Let's not twist things here.  Like I said, I don't agree with an average wrestler being held back in 8th grade, so an average academic student shouldn't be either.  Someone getting straight A's definately shouldn't be held back, so if you want to compare the academic world with the wrestling world, the PHENOM is definately getting straight A's in 8th grade for that argument.  Now, if he is struggling in school academically, I have no problem with this choice.  I just don't know if that is what is happening. I am done commenting on this topic.  If you don't get where I am coming from, you never will.  By the way, I was 88 lbs as a freshman wrestling 98lbs back in the day (my parents never thought of holding me back because my grades were pretty good).  Oh, and when I won a state title my senior year, I was 17.   
I would like to reach through the screen and slap the next person who starts a thread about "global warming." Wraslfan
"Obama thinks we should all be on welfare."  BigG
"MN will eventually go the way of Greece." Wraslfan


Have you seen camp posters from the past AND recent? Maybe take a look at those, then, ask them if they were punished for having wrestlers on their posters. It should have been handled differently. Your talking to a rules guy here. I play by them every day. I'll have a whole episode about it coming out this weekend. The punishment DOES NOT fit the crime. Mel Dow is just flexing his muscles. And the majority of the state knows it. Coaches included.

Quote from: No One Cares on August 23, 2023, 11:43:43 AM
Quote from: VQOriginal on August 23, 2023, 11:36:10 AMIf you think the Fennimore issue is just a little thing, think again. It opens pandoras box for other "vendetta" holders to act on frivolous occurrences. And the fact that the ENTIRE athletic program pays the price for any of it, blows my mind. I am a rules guy. I get it. But this all could have been handled with a letter/email telling the school they are walking a thin line. And that is it. Probation isn't just nothing. Any and all actions made by the athletic department will be under a microscope. If not by the WIAA, by people waiting to pounce on anything that they feel is a rule being broken. It's an over reach.

A move made by adults that the kids pay the price for. Dumb.

It seems pretty simple to me.  Just don't break any more rules. Is that a hard thing to comply by?  Are you suggesting that they should be allowed to break more rules without consequence?  I would think that this athletic department will now be the most buttoned up in the state....which one would hope all would be.


Everything is fine guys. Fennimore will likely do their sports without a problem and the Phenom will wrestle whenever he wrestles. Just follow the rules and everything is fine.