
Started by leg turk, February 11, 2019, 09:16:02 AM

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Just re-watched the Wick Marinelli match.  If Wick can defend those shots he will have a great shot of winning the match today.  With his height it seems good wrestlers can get to his legs and finish sometimes.  Should be a great match if it happens. Two wrestlers with different strengths makes a fun match to watch.  Most wrestlers are content to sit on the bottom and not expose themselves to his cradle.


Quote from: Luke Louison on February 17, 2019, 11:04:13 AM
Quote from: jchap on February 17, 2019, 01:24:03 AM
Quote from: Luke Louison on February 16, 2019, 10:15:38 AM
Quote from: billymurphy on February 15, 2019, 08:08:43 PM
I think that really muscled up guys like  Alex Marinelli have a much bigger advantage in
a dual meet setting compared to a long tournament.  Marinelli will be powerful and fresh for
a one match dual meet.  I see no reason to rest him.  I do think Iowa will stick a JV guy out there
in one of the weight groups though, but not 165 lbs.

I had never thought of this, but it makes a lot of sense. The hulked out sort of dudes might struggle more from muscle fatigue in the tournament setting, where as the more sinewy guys, the ones that do it with motion more than brut strength, they might actually be better suited for multiple matches in a day.

Interesting point, billy.

I'm not sure what it means in relation to the dual on Sunday, but that doesn't make it less interesting.
This has no basis in reality.  Please explain the physiological mechanism behind this "thought."


There's multiple different ways to lift weights. You can lift for power (higher weight, less reps per set) or for endurance (less weight, more reps per set). If your muscles are conditioned to lift more weight, they get to that point by training a certain way. Over the course of a long day with multiple matches, muscles attained via power lifting would be more inclined to fatigue/fail.

It's the same idea as if you had sprinters and endurance runners compete in a long series of short races. Over time, the sprinters would tire more than the endurance runners. For the same reason.
I see you were not a science major.


Quote from: Luke Louison on February 17, 2019, 11:37:50 AM
Quote from: jchap on February 17, 2019, 11:13:09 AM
Quote from: Luke Louison on February 17, 2019, 11:04:13 AM
Quote from: jchap on February 17, 2019, 01:24:03 AM
Quote from: Luke Louison on February 16, 2019, 10:15:38 AM
Quote from: billymurphy on February 15, 2019, 08:08:43 PM
I think that really muscled up guys like  Alex Marinelli have a much bigger advantage in
a dual meet setting compared to a long tournament.  Marinelli will be powerful and fresh for
a one match dual meet.  I see no reason to rest him.  I do think Iowa will stick a JV guy out there
in one of the weight groups though, but not 165 lbs.

I had never thought of this, but it makes a lot of sense. The hulked out sort of dudes might struggle more from muscle fatigue in the tournament setting, where as the more sinewy guys, the ones that do it with motion more than brut strength, they might actually be better suited for multiple matches in a day.

Interesting point, billy.

I'm not sure what it means in relation to the dual on Sunday, but that doesn't make it less interesting.
This has no basis in reality.  Please explain the physiological mechanism behind this "thought."


There's multiple different ways to lift weights. You can lift for power (higher weight, less reps per set) or for endurance (less weight, more reps per set). If your muscles are conditioned to lift more weight, they get to that point by training a certain way. Over the course of a long day with multiple matches, muscles attained via power lifting would be more inclined to fatigue/fail.

It's the same idea as if you had sprinters and endurance runners compete in a long series of short races. Over time, the sprinters would tire more than the endurance runners. For the same reason.
I see you were not a science major.

Yup. Business/Spanish. That doesn't mean I'm uneducated on the subject though.

You are confusing skeletal muscle chronic adaptation to strength training with energy system conditioning.


Looks like Christensen MFF out of the Last Chance tournament. I hope everything is okay with him and not a significant setback. Krattinger was the only other badger, getting 2nd at 184 to Jessen from NW 6-2.


Quote from: hammen on February 17, 2019, 12:18:58 PM
Looks like Christensen MFF out of the Last Chance tournament. I hope everything is okay with him and not a significant setback. Krattinger was the only other badger, getting 2nd at 184 to Jessen from NW 6-2.
He didn't even wrestle.

dad 2 5

What is up with no Moran?


Quote from: dad 2 5 on February 17, 2019, 02:30:01 PM
What is up with no Moran?

Really? Sounds like the wheels are falling off this cart even before it comes out of the barn. Not a good look for a dual that has been hyped by WI all season.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope

dad 2 5

Quote from: npope on February 17, 2019, 02:32:54 PM
Quote from: dad 2 5 on February 17, 2019, 02:30:01 PM
What is up with no Moran?

Really? Sounds like the wheels are falling off this cart even before it comes out of the barn. Not a good look for a dual that has been hyped by WI all season.

We are so far behind the likes of PSU; theOS; Iowa, etc...
I am interested if the jump will be as big as we all hope for next year
I know I was hoping for a big move up this year but not convinced of that now

Wrestling Thug

I still think it is embarrassing to hear all those ridiculous stall calls! Especially when I didn't hear any on Martin or Breske! Be fair!


Quote from: Wrestling Thug on February 17, 2019, 03:48:27 PM
I still think it is embarrassing to hear all those ridiculous stall calls! Especially when I didn't hear any on Martin or Breske! Be fair!

Cole was wrestling the whole time. There was no stall in him, just defending the position and wrestling to his ties. I thought that was the most entertaining match of the meet.


Iowa and Tom Brands bring huge crowds with him.  Were there more Iowa people there today than Badger people?
Thank goodness for the win at Heavyweight as a clean sweep turned into a real possibility.


Quote from: Wrestling Thug on February 17, 2019, 03:48:27 PM
I still think it is embarrassing to hear all those ridiculous stall calls! Especially when I didn't hear any on Martin or Breske! Be fair!

I still think it's emharassing you think any team is going to yell for stalling on their own wrestler..... called home field advantage.


Whether there were more Iowa fans or not, UW still set an attendance record today and it shows the potential for what UW can draw on average with a winning, successful program.

But it's not going to be cheap and it's not going to be easy. It's going to take several recruiting classes to rebuild the depth in this program and Wisconsin needs more than 30 kids in the room to be at the elite level in college wrestling. Depth was going to be a big concern for this team this season and unfortunately our worst fears came true. Almost like a JV team out there against one of the best teams in the country.

Had UW had its line-up from the start of the season it certainly would have been a much more competitive dual meet against Iowa. But Coach Bono is running into the same frustration as every other Badger coach before him: not having all the pieces in place at the same time. And until that happens, UW's team success will be limited. Either someone is hurt or someone is inelligible or something else happens and who replaces them in the line-up just can't replace them, not at the same level.

In other post, someone had asked whether Brown was still onto the team roster. Actually they should have asked whether he's still enrolled in school. If he is, then he can come back. If not, well, sayonora.

The potential is there for a successful program but there's a lot to be overcome, more than I think people realize. You need talent but you need to keep them healthy and eligible to compete, or its no good to you. More than anything for this first season Coach Bono needs to establish a culture that will ultimately lead to greater success than before and I think he and many others agree he's going a long way to doing that. Hopefully the rest will follow. But more importantly he has to solve the long-term problems which have held this program back in comparion to its B1G rivals. Because if he doesn't, he won't have a better record or accomplish more than his predecessors and it won't be because he's a bad coach, because he isn't. And then what?  


What caused the team points?


Quote from: walden_hiker on February 17, 2019, 05:13:08 PM
What caused the team points?

It was Thor.  Not sure if Stoll didn't shake hands or Stoll shoulder bumped him but whatever it was, Trent didn't like it and expressed himself.  Not sure what the official call was since we had some folks run out on the mat and grab Trent.