Why do you love coaching?

Started by numberone, September 20, 2018, 08:14:20 PM

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I was at a coaches meeting for our school by our new principal.  He asked us two questions.
1. Why do you love your particular sport?

2. Why do you love coaching?

My feelings are this.  I love wrestling because there's really not another sport that that teaches LIFE. The struggle, the ups and downs, and that really hard work does pay off.

The answer to the second question is this. I was never a good wrestler like most of you are good or great.  So I love coaching because I love it when a kid wins a match that they normally shouldn't. The excitement is like a drug to me. I'm addicted.  And I know that you cant reach all of your kids but I love helping guiding the young men and women in the right direction. It doesn't always work.  When it does it makes me feel proud of myself.  I didn't get the guidance when I was a young man. So just like parenting. I try to be better than what I was given.
I'm curious about how others feel about these two questions.