Youth state times overhaul

Started by padre, October 07, 2017, 03:28:07 AM

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What are the opinions out there? Was there an outcry for this?

Makes us from the north stay an extra night(Thursday) which I'm not a fan of at all.

I always liked that our younger club members could weigh in and watch some of their older teammates wrestle a round before they went to hotel.


Why do you have to stay on Thursday? If you leave at 7am you are at weigh-ins at 9:30am. I like the new schedule in that wrestling is completed both days by 7pm.


Quote from: kluevercoach on October 07, 2017, 07:22:58 AM
Why do you have to stay on Thursday? If you leave at 7am you are at weigh-ins at 9:30am. I like the new schedule in that wrestling is completed both days by 7pm.

there are some areas that making madison is going to be a 4 hour haul so I seriously doubt that leaving at 7 am would get you to madison by 9:30

I am from the northwest area and I was for this move to 2 days of wrestling. gives a chance for groups to leave after wrestling so maybe shortens the stay in madison by a night. also no carry over for wrestling from 1 day to the next day.

down side, it WILL make some parents and coaches stay an extra night in madison coach kluever and madison isnt cheap on weekend rates for their hotels.

1 day of wrestling for each age group
maybe just 1 night in the hotel for family and friends
shorter working days for the WWF staff and all involved
shorter days for fans
less crowed in the arena

maybe a third night in the hotel for some fans, coaches and families
longer for those families with kids in both groups

fell free to add some if needed.

Once again I was for this but I also knew that maybe 20% of people were going to be negatively effected by this.

Padre, sorry I was against you and anyone from the northern part of Wisconsin that does like this. I thought it was worth a try to see how it works out.

also please note I am not with a WWF in any way but I voiced my opinion about this along with many other things and I seriously doubt that anything else will be noted of any concern with the WWF ;D
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


I like the 1 day of wrestling, same day of weigh ins.


Littleguy I was saying Padre can leave at 7 and still be in Madison at 9:30 not everyone. I know the prices of hotels in Madison and you are correct they are not cheap. You bring up some good points on both sides.


Quote from: kluevercoach on October 07, 2017, 02:09:25 PM
Littleguy I was saying Padre can leave at 7 and still be in Madison at 9:30 not everyone. I know the prices of hotels in Madison and you are correct they are not cheap. You bring up some good points on both sides.


I'm simply asking what others think.  I get the reasoning behind it and if I was just a parent taking their kid there this is much simpler. 

Yes if we left at 7:00 we could pull into the parking lot about 9:40ish. Pretty sure you know me better than that though in case of isssues...except that being lost outside of  Wrightstown incident (😔)...leave time will be 6;00. So wake up time about 4:30 for club members.

I see positives but I see lots of nebgatives team wise.  Basically breaking it up which we always loved younger kids watching older they will just go home mostly when they are done and save a night hotel stay. That part of it is disappointing to me and will really change the way our club goes to state.

Love the middle school duals...unfortunately we and 24 teams(many very good) have their conference tournament the day before that.  Hard to fill line-ups 2 days in a row....but like the idea.


Did everyone forget kids have school on Fridays?  Some parents also work by the way. The younger group (who likely have younger age brothers/sisters in the family) are now all missing full days of school?

If this needed to be two days, it should have been Saturday and Sunday.


Quote from: Numbers on October 08, 2017, 04:55:18 AM
Did everyone forget kids have school on Fridays?  Some parents also work by the way. The younger group (who likely have younger age brothers/sisters in the family) are now all missing full days of school?

If this needed to be two days, it should have been Saturday and Sunday.

Some schools have spring break but still. Agree with you on that. But even with the way it was people would have to leave school early at the very least.


Littleguy, Ill set ya up with a good Hotel...let me know
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: maggie on October 08, 2017, 04:52:46 PM
Littleguy, Ill set ya up with a good Hotel...let me know

maggie, hopefully I will be bringing my son down so it needs to stay pg-13 ;D now if I come down just to coach, well your couch better be open and your check book!!!!!!!!!! ;D
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Quote from: padre on October 07, 2017, 05:48:12 PM
Quote from: kluevercoach on October 07, 2017, 02:09:25 PM
Littleguy I was saying Padre can leave at 7 and still be in Madison at 9:30 not everyone. I know the prices of hotels in Madison and you are correct they are not cheap. You bring up some good points on both sides.


I'm simply asking what others think.  I get the reasoning behind it and if I was just a parent taking their kid there this is much simpler. 

Yes if we left at 7:00 we could pull into the parking lot about 9:40ish. Pretty sure you know me better than that though in case of isssues...except that being lost outside of  Wrightstown incident (😔)...leave time will be 6;00. So wake up time about 4:30 for club members.

I see positives but I see lots of nebgatives team wise.  Basically breaking it up which we always loved younger kids watching older they will just go home mostly when they are done and save a night hotel stay. That part of it is disappointing to me and will really change the way our club goes to state.

Love the middle school duals...unfortunately we and 24 teams(many very good) have their conference tournament the day before that.  Hard to fill line-ups 2 days in a row....but like the idea.

I am from the district that probably has some of the most travel. I think this could be very good thing but I also like that the WWF is trying to maybe make this awesome tournament better!!!!

yes it will effect how clubs and members treat it as a team event. It will make those wrestling on either day more app to just come down for the day of their child wrestling. I get that.

It will also make coaching a different story.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Quote from: Numbers on October 08, 2017, 04:55:18 AM
Did everyone forget kids have school on Fridays?  Some parents also work by the way. The younger group (who likely have younger age brothers/sisters in the family) are now all missing full days of school?

If this needed to be two days, it should have been Saturday and Sunday.

in my area going to school on a friday for youth state was out of the question any ways for the travel we have to do.

sure missing a day of school but as a coach and parent I always inform my child and wrestlers that make sure you talk to your teachers about missing a day and getting your work done ahead of time or ask for a next day due date. that is also part of being in sports is making sure your school work comes first.

my wife teaches in the k-5 area and when she has a student that makes wrestling state she has their work ready for them a couple days ahead of time and gives them another day to get it in if/when they come talk to me. as a coach I will tell those kids in my wifes class to do so ;D

for me, I will be going down on thursday night and probably leaving friday night. we have coaches for the younger groups and I coach in the older group.

padre, this is something our club worked out for coaches but there is always a situation.

sunday is a church day and easter has fallen on sunday of youth state more than once. I think that would be really unpopular having a major state tournament on a sunday but the national tournaments do much the same as greco state.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


my wife put in for that friday off of youth state. we are kind of putting the cart in front of the horse and I also informed work that I will be gone along with some other dates.

put them in early and often I say, that should help in getting a day off barring some strange turns of events.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


WWF is out of control no longer in touch with the folks that make up thier membership. Small group of folks making decisions based on personal preference not "what's right". Scott be careful how you answer this.......


Looks like certain groups will weigh-in and wrestle on Saturday.

* Doors open 8;30am [No Early Entry]
* Weigh-ins
  *  9:00 - 10:30 am boys born 2003-04 and 2009-10 & girls born in 2006-20010
* Grand March - 10:45 am boys born 2003-04 and 2009-10 & girls born in 2006-20010.  Meet in your staging area at 10:35 am
* Wrestling starts at 11:00 am boys born 2003-04 and 2009-10 & girls born in 2006-20010. They will wrestle through championship matches completed by around 7pm

So it appears that those age groups will have a long day.