BRTC Roster

Started by thedecider, April 26, 2017, 04:45:05 PM

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Does anyone have a list of athletes currently training at the BRTC?  I would assume it will include all of the former badger wrestlers still competing, right?

Ty Clark

Here are the emails that have been sent out over the past few weeks:

QuoteThe New Badger RTC is Here!
We are excited to announce that Wisconsin has a new regional training center for high school, college, and senior level freestyle wrestlers located in Madison!

We have transitioned from the Badger Wrestling Club to the Badger Regional Training Center to attract and motivate world level wrestlers to join this movement. We firmly believe the BRTC has the ability to change the culture of wrestling in the state of Wisconsin and beyond.
Through our strategy (briefly laid out below) we will build a lasting legacy that will carry on the foundation built by past generations of Badgers. We look forward to the day when BRTC practices consist of a room full of the best HS wrestlers, collegiate athletes from around the state, and multiple guys who are world-level senior wrestlers, training to become passionate wrestlers and courageous men. We are building towards that end, but we can't do it alone.

Part of our strategy to become a world level training center with a purpose is to continue to cast vision and get our fans, alumni, and the wrestling community involved in what we are doing. Over the next four weeks (every Monday in April) you will be receiving an update about the things that are happening and how you can join us.

These four updates will give you a general idea of the direction of the BRTC, but not the whole story. I welcome any questions or comments to the email address listed below. YOU play an important part in the process. Please forward this email to anyone you think would be interested in getting this information.

Thanks for your time! We look forward to connecting even more next week when we'll share about our First Annual Badger RTC Golf Outing at the Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove, WI on Saturday, May 27th.

P.S. We previously informed some of you that the RTC would start tonight (Monday). Unfortunately this is not possible and we will be starting on Thursday, April 6th. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have further questions please connect with me at the email below.

Tyler Turner
Badger Regional Training Center Executive Director
Badger Wrestling Team Member (2002-2007) / 3-Year Captain
Badger All-American 2007

Golf Outing
As I mentioned last email, we need your help. There are many ways you can help. This email will explain the heart behind our first annual golf outing and the two main ways YOU can help the BRTC through the golf outing.

Many people have been asking, "Why a golf outing?" The answer has many layers to it but the main reason is because we want to interact and be with you. We want to have fun, say thank you for your support, and have an opportunity and place for you to interact with the BRTC athletes and coaches.
Yes, we hope to make a little money to fund the mission of being a world level training center with a purpose, but this is not our main goal. We purposefully made it very inexpensive so we can get more of you involved.  

We would love for you to consider joining us on Saturday, May 27th (registration starting at noon):

The Oaks Golf Course
4740 Pierceville Road
Cottage Grove, WI

Sign up and pay online at

How can you help? There are two main ways:

1. By being a golfer in the First Annual Badger RTC Golf Outing.

You will have an opportunity to play 18 holes on a beautiful course at a very inexpensive rate.
We would love for you to consider putting a foursome together where you can golf with your buddies and build your friendship.
You will interact and play with BRTC athletes, coaches, and other BRTC supporters.  
It is going to be a lot of fun.
There will be an opportunity at certain holes to support the BRTC in different ways and we plan on having some auction items that all proceeds will go to the BRTC.  
2. By Sponsoring a Hole (or 5) for $100 a hole

This is a great chance for your company, club, or work place to support us in developing passionate wrestlers and courageous men who want to be the best in the world.
We wanted to create an opportunity that was easy for companies and clubs to support the BRTC... this is that opportunity.
This is a great way to support the mission if you are not a golfer, live too far away, can't make the event, and/or just want your company or club to support the mission.
You will have a sign at a hole (or five) with your name so everyone who comes to the event will see that you support the BRTC.  
We hope you can support the first annual Badger RTC Golf outing either in person or through a hole sponsorship. Again, you can sign up and pay at

As always, if you have ideas, questions, donations for the auction items, or anything else, reply to the email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  

We look forward to connecting even more next week when we'll share about our capital campaign called the Badger 100 where "100% of those impacted by Badger wrestling are giving on a monthly bases."

Thanks for your time and support!

Tyler Turner
Badger Regional Training Center Executive Director
Badger Wrestling Team Member (2002-2007) / 3-Year Captain
Badger All-American 2007

You can be part of the change!
We have started to get sign ups for the first annual BRTC Golf outing and the hole sponsors are ramping up too. We would love to see you there and sponsor a hole.

This week we want to share about the Badger 100. This is a capital campaign that is aimed at the everyday person. The men and women around the state and country who can't give large amounts, but can give something.

Our heart behind the Badger 100 is to get "100% of those impacted by Badger wrestling to give to the Badger RTC on a monthly basis"

That is it. We want those who have been impacted to give back to a what has impacted them. To help guys train to be world level wrestlers and men. To help guys reach their potential and be Olympians. To make the sport of wrestling better in WI, starting at the top.

There are a few people who can give large amounts but there are a lot of people who can give small amounts. As we grow this army of support, we need people jumping on at any amount possible. By giving a consistent monthly gift we are better able to recruit guys to train, able to bring guys in to push them, and have a huge number of people supporting these athletes.  

Our 2017-2018 Budget is $250K. This will get us multiple people training, cover any costs associated with the BRTC, and cover the coaching and training partners. It is an ambitions budget but one that is very doable. Now for some math and how we see it breaking down:
Events (Golf outing, Kalscheur Steak Fry (July/August), camps/clinics throughout the year) = $60K
Large gifts from individuals and companies = $65k
Badger 100 = $125K  
That is just over 10K a month
That's only 100 people giving $100 a month or
That's only 200 people giving $50 a month or
300 people giving $33 a month. (or $1 a day)  
Almost 1000 people will receive this email! Tomorrow we could be fully funded if you read this email and give to the Badger 100 at a monthly amount because you want to give back to something that has impacted you. We firmly believe every little bit of generosity will help.

The last thing I will say about this for now is that I already know there are people who will say I can't give $50 a month. If you can't give that, could you give $20 a month? Or $10? Every "little bit" is important to move the mission forward, to be a world level training center with a purpose, and to support and cultivate passionate wrestlers and courageous men. We need YOUR help!

Next week will be our last weekly email where we will be sharing how to stay connected with the BRTC.

Thanks for your time and support!
Tyler Turner
Badger Regional Training Center Executive Director
Badger Wrestling Team Member (2002-2007) / 3-Year Captain
Badger All-American 2007

Stay Connected
In this last email for April we want to share about how YOU can stay connected to the BRTC and give you an update on the athletes wrestling in Las Vegas this weekend with the BRTC.

First, we wanted to say we are excited about the momentum that is starting for the first annual BRTC Golf outing on May 27th for both hole sponsors and players. We would love to see you there and sponsor a hole.

The Badger 100 is picking up steam too. Just last week almost 10 people joined! Every person can make a difference no matter the monthly amount.

We realize that staying connected and keeping you updated is going to be a big part of what we do. We have begun to take some steps to make this easier and more convenient for everyone.

One step is this newsletter. The next newsletter will be in a couple weeks (unless some other news breaks that we need to share) and we look forward to letting you know what is in the works and how things are coming along.

The next way we will be staying connected is through social media. We have started a Facebook group called "Badger Regional Training Center - BRTC" that we will be posting on more frequently. We are looking to post a couple times a week. Members of the group will get an insider look at the BRTC, the athletes, and what is happening. Click this link to become a member.  

We are also on Twitter @BadgerRTC.

This weekend will be our first event as an official Regional Training Center when the athletes who train at the BRTC will be competing in Las Vegas at the US Open. Below are the BRTC athletes who will be competing:
Nazar Kulchytskyy
Evan Wick
Zander Wick
Brady Wetter
Jacob Covaciu
Ben Stone
Cole Martin
Hunter Ritter
Jackson Hemauer
Tyler Dow
Check out our social media pages for updates as we will be posting periodically with results! Can't wait to see these guys compete with passion and courage.

We look forward to connecting again in a couple weeks.

Thanks for your time and support!
Tyler Turner
Badger Regional Training Center Executive Director
Badger Wrestling Team Member (2002-2007) / 3-Year Captain
Badger All-American 2007
"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got."
-Mark Twain


Are any of the former badgers still competing a part of the BRTC?


Having Nazar in that room is a huge plus. He's probably top 3 in the country at his weight if he's at 70kg for the Open.
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


I thought he was with the UNC club. I am almost 100% sure he is from that area.
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


Timmy was working with NC State for awhile.
Strive for Perfection

leg turk

Where is Graff?
Where is Ben Proviser?  Thielke?

Is Medbery done with international comp?

Wrestling Thug

Quote from: leg turk on April 27, 2017, 02:15:14 PM
Where is Graff?
Where is Ben Proviser?  Thielke?

Is Medbery done with international comp?
;D :o


Graff lives in the Columbus area - although I don't believe he trains out of the Ohio RTC (he might go there for occasional workouts). I would imagine if Connor got accepted into a med school program, all of his efforts will be focused on that avenue of his life - although 1st year med school usually starts mid-summer.


Great concept..but who do they have training there on a regular basis besides Nazar?  Disappointing that they can't keep their own studs in the program.  I would bet a lot of money that Ben would instantly give the BRTC credibility and a few top contenders...Rising tide lifts all boats.  

We are sunk with BD going a few more years.