
Started by statman, January 11, 2017, 06:56:22 AM

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I've been in MN for the last four years and I come home and the biggest surprise is rapids... What happened? They used to be untouchable and this past weekend they finished behind green bay united.
they don't call me statman for nothin


My opinion...rebuilding. One thing Rapids knows how to do is build a wrestling team. They may be down right now but I got a feeling there are some solid young wrestlers in Rapids that will be bringing Rapids back up in the coming years. Just my opinion.

Handles II

That is probably Statsman's shock, that they even have to consider "rebuilding". It never seemed needed, just reloading.


Yeah...I can see that. Rapids has been so dominate for so long to see them down is hard to figure. I look at the strength of that conference between Rapids, Wausau West, SPASH and Merrill and wonder what has changed. Don't get me wrong...there are many GREAT wrestlers in that conference and Marshfield has a strong looking team this year. But overall I remember the strength of that Rapids team with 7 wrestlers in the finals at State or the Wausau West group of Umlauf, Baine, Monk, Lor etc. Or Merrill that had a group that all should have been state qualifiers. Maybe it was a result of a crazy group of parents who had kids born between 1992 and 1999 and lived the world of wrestling when their kid was old enough to put on shoes.

Again...my opinion...but I think we have seen a building of more strong programs in the state...Stoughton and Kaukauna currently come to mind....and the strength is spread around a little. I don't see an end to the Kaukauna dominance. Even when they are "down" they still win meets. And I am guessing Stoughton has a strong youth program to continue what they have going. What has Rapids "down"? I think it just a rebuilding year...maybe two


Everything in life goes in cycles



Fast cars, drag race. Fast Drivers, Road Race!


Quote from: woody53 on January 11, 2017, 03:00:27 PM
Wait for it !

Well, that's just it - both Rapids and Ellsworth have experienced unprecedented runs lasting not just years, but decades. Simply incredible. Interestingly, the Rapids dynasty would seem to have been predicated on Lewie's presence at the helm while Ellsworth's experience has come with a handful of different coaches. Hard to put one's finger on it, but there certainly is/was some wrestling magic in those two programs.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope

Jeff Farrell

Wausau West

All 3 coaches retired.... that is what happened.

Everything revolves around the figure head.


Ellsworth is tradition......


Quote from: Jeff Farrell on January 11, 2017, 04:10:05 PM
Wausau West

All 3 coaches retired.... that is what happened.

Everything revolves around the figure head.

With a cloud of controversy I think that really hurt the program for the long haul.


" I never met a man I didn't like except Will Rodgers."



I would like to reach through the screen and slap the next person who starts a thread about "global warming." Wraslfan
"Obama thinks we should all be on welfare."  BigG
"MN will eventually go the way of Greece." Wraslfan


Quote from: MNbadger on January 11, 2017, 07:59:27 PM
43 years........

Nope, I didnt start waiting until I was 10. ;D

For me, some of the highlights of high school wrestling were beating Ellsworth as a team at the 1983 sectional and winning the sectional final in 1984 with a pin of an Ellsworth wrestler. Not an Ellsworth fan by any means, but I do have great respect for their program.