Filling WI Weight Classes: The Data

Started by Handles II, December 15, 2016, 08:49:15 AM

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It would be hard convince me that wrestling was dying after seeing the tremendous support and the crowd at the UWEC match last night. Wall to wall spectators from every level. Youth wrestling at intermission cooperation by local,youth clubs, UWEC and allot of support coupled with some great wrestling made for a great event.

Like I said it takes the guy looking in the mirror to make changes and get kids wrestling then collectively if you have enough folks looking in the mirror and agreeing to work towards a common goal you achieve the defined mission.

I used the above example at UWEC because it was a collaboration that made that such an exciting event and fun for everyone there. Collaboration between two up and coming programs Platteville and UWEC, Weigh In a Club and EC Youth Wresting and a few other coaches and clubs.

Handles II

Sounds like a great event Ramjet. But individual perception is a tricky thing. Would you feel the same if you attended the Wabeno/Laona vs Elcho dual last night. 34-30, close dual, pretty exciting! :) 13 forfeits?? Oh wait, maybe not. :-\ (Not to pick on any teams, there are dozens like this to choose from).

My guess is that some people who attended that event have different perceptions this morning than you do about the health of the sport. Some people attend events like that all season and would in turn, feel differently than a fan who attends events with mostly full squads on each team.

That's where data is important. It can show reality vs perception.

Year        #Schools       #Wrestlers
1974          378              20,084       12 weights
1984          361              11,250       12 weights
1994          365               7,370        13 weights
2004          348               7,288        14 weights
2014          334               7,147        14 weights

So your perception is, based on an event you attended, that everything is going great in the sport and our numbers from K-thru-college is fantastic. And someone else see's things a different way. Using data can help both sides see things that they were unaware of, or unwilling to see/believe. 


Honestly Rick you are a negative nelly you don't like something then do something concrete about IT!  sitting on here and complaining does ZERO to promote the sport ZERO.......

Small rural programs need to do more to promote period end of story they do face different challenges but cutting weights does not address any of those challenges.

Handles II

Actually I'm doing something about it. I'm posting data so that people can see what is really going on, and perhaps pay more attention. I call it "reality". Until Ghetto started posting numbers a couple years ago, people didn't know, but simply guessed. Guessing is a crapshoot. His numbers were dismissed by many, but some paid attention. I decided to ramp it up, show more numbers, weekly numbers. But some people dismiss them as well. Of course there are people that believe that the earth is flat, and that polio vaccines didn't help reduce the amount of polio in the world. Meh, there will always be those types around.

I suppose the NFHS reps that contacted me are also negative nellys? Or, maybe not. Maybe they are realists that are concerned about the future of the sport and know that pretending problems don't exist creates a fast-track to failure.

But since you pointed fingers at small rural programs ( yet we have large rural, and large urban, and small urban schools with the same numbers issues)...Shouldn't you be doing something Ramjet? I believe one of those teams in my last post is yours. How is that even possible with you, Mr. Fixit, making sure everything is perfect? The team should be overflowing with wrestlers at every level Ramjet. Why isn't it?


No need to to get personal Rick posting does not do crap you need grass root efforts to change something ....... so keep,posting keep up the Internet whistle blowing and crapola it has and will not change anything. Grassroots efforts......


Quote from: ElectricGuy on February 02, 2017, 01:11:10 PM
Warning continued viewing of this thread after 17 Pages may cause irrevocable harm to you and others.....

will this make page 18?
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Quote from: ramjet on February 03, 2017, 12:51:10 PM
No need to to get personal Rick posting does not do crap you need grass root efforts to change something ....... so keep,posting keep up the Internet whistle blowing and crapola it has and will not change anything. Grassroots efforts......

Believe it or not but there is a huge grassroots effort going on in multiple states and it is being led by coaches.  This is why the Wisconsin coaches association surveyed its members.  That information will be shared with the WIAA and NFHS.  There is a push to get Wisconsin back it's voter rights in the NFHS so they will have a vote on issues like this.

I expect nothing substantial is going to happen at the state level that is different than what the NFHS does but seeing what is going on in multiple states with "grassroot efforts" I will be considerably surprised if the NFHS does not make a change in the next couple years.
Of Course, this is only my opinion and no one elses!

Handles II

Quote from: ramjet on February 03, 2017, 12:51:10 PM
No need to to get personal Rick posting does not do crap you need grass root efforts to change something ....... so keep,posting keep up the Internet whistle blowing and crapola it has and will not change anything. Grassroots efforts......

Well ramjet, I've said over and over that people are doing what they can, and virtually everything they can to help promote the sport. Are some things being done incorrectly? Yes, but once again that is 100% based on perspective. What works for town A, or Coach A doesn't work in town B or Coach B. What works for wrestler A doesn't work for wrestler B.

I'm a firm believer that our coaches are doing as much as they are able to help the sport and help kids. I encourage us to continue trying and experimenting with new ideas.  But you, and a couple others, continue to say or insinuate, that this isn't happening, or at least "other" people aren't doing it as well as yourselves. If you know all the secrets and hold the key to building a program, "grassroots" as you say, then by all means, share your expertise and show how well it is working in your program and how well it will work in other's programs. Give us your formula, and all the numbers and data of your programs growth. How will anyone else learn unless you teach us?

Oh, and one other thing, I know you think you are being snarky by using my first name on here rather than my screen name. You aren't. It wouldn't be an issue for any of the many members who have introduced themselves, but since you've apparently been within "touching distance" of me at events as you have told me in PM's you've sent me (which is super creepy of you  :-X), but have been afraid to introduce yourself and prefer to creep in the shadows, says quite a bit about the person behind your screen name. Once you can look me in they eye, shake my hand, and we are actually on a first-name-basis, then fine, otherwise you haven't quite earned the right, have you??


I have said repeatedly that I am against retraction but I must say Ramjet, YOU are the one who "gets personal" with Handles and anyone else you feel you can condescend to.  The "man in the mirror" quote you repeat and others get very old.  You strike me as the classic person at work who thinks they work harder than everyone else (and is always talking about how much they do).  Many of us have been grinding it out for many years and I don't doubt Handles has been as well.  If you ever want to, we can talk and I can tell you all I have done for the last 40 years.  Sometimes it has been successful and sometimes not.  I'd love to see you come and work your "magic" where I am.  I am not looking for an argument just pointing out you are wrong about all those lazy coaches. 
Quote from: ramjet on February 03, 2017, 12:51:10 PM
No need to to get personal Rick posting does not do crap you need grass root efforts to change something ....... so keep,posting keep up the Internet whistle blowing and crapola it has and will not change anything. Grassroots efforts......
I would like to reach through the screen and slap the next person who starts a thread about "global warming." Wraslfan
"Obama thinks we should all be on welfare."  BigG
"MN will eventually go the way of Greece." Wraslfan


Quote from: littleguy301 on February 03, 2017, 12:59:15 PM
Quote from: ElectricGuy on February 02, 2017, 01:11:10 PM
Warning continued viewing of this thread after 17 Pages may cause irrevocable harm to you and others.....

will this make page 18?
Just did.... and nobody blinked.....

There will be Mental Health Councilors available at Kohl Center Gates A, B, C on Feb 23rd, 24th, and 25th for all participants of this thread.  Just bring proof of your moniker and all cost will be covered by - this has been a wiwrestling public service announcement.

We live in the era of smart phones and stupid people.


Quote from: MNbadger on February 03, 2017, 01:53:29 PM
I have said repeatedly that I am against retraction but I must say Ramjet, YOU are the one who "gets personal" with Handles and anyone else you feel you can condescend to.  The "man in the mirror" quote you repeat and others get very old.  You strike me as the classic person at work who thinks they work harder than everyone else (and is always talking about how much they do).  Many of us have been grinding it out for many years and I don't doubt Handles has been as well.  If you ever want to, we can talk and I can tell you all I have done for the last 40 years.  Sometimes it has been successful and sometimes not.  I'd love to see you come and work your "magic" where I am.  I am not looking for an argument just pointing out you are wrong about all those lazy coaches. 
Quote from: ramjet on February 03, 2017, 12:51:10 PM
No need to to get personal Rick posting does not do crap you need grass root efforts to change something ....... so keep,posting keep up the Internet whistle blowing and crapola it has and will not change anything. Grassroots efforts......

So dramatic............ yes looking in mirror is about as personal as one can get with him or herself........ ;D

By the way I never once said anything about "lazy coaches" NEVER USED or posted those words so you must be reading into something that is not here. So dramatic MNbadger   :D ;D


You may not have used those words and I never said you used those specific words.  Your many posts on the subject makes my paraphrasing accurate though to be sure.
I would like to reach through the screen and slap the next person who starts a thread about "global warming." Wraslfan
"Obama thinks we should all be on welfare."  BigG
"MN will eventually go the way of Greece." Wraslfan


Quote from: MNbadger on February 04, 2017, 11:23:31 PM
You may not have used those words and I never said you used those specific words.  Your many posts on the subject makes my paraphrasing accurate though to be sure.

Only in your mind do you look in the mirror when you type this stuff?  ;D


Quote from: ElectricGuy on February 03, 2017, 02:37:03 PM
Quote from: littleguy301 on February 03, 2017, 12:59:15 PM
Quote from: ElectricGuy on February 02, 2017, 01:11:10 PM
Warning continued viewing of this thread after 17 Pages may cause irrevocable harm to you and others.....

will this make page 18?
Just did.... and nobody blinked.....

There will be Mental Health Councilors available at Kohl Center Gates A, B, C on Feb 23rd, 24th, and 25th for all participants of this thread.  Just bring proof of your moniker and all cost will be covered by - this has been a wiwrestling public service announcement.

mental health classes lead by maggie?
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Those would likely be better at a local establishment.
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove