2014 Papermaker Wrestling Camp

Started by Hawk89, April 07, 2014, 10:30:05 AM

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Dear Wrestling Community:

I wanted to inform any individuals that are planning to attend the 2014 Kimberly Papermaker Wrestling Camp that I am no longer associated with the program.  The Kimberly School district still plans to host the camp.  I do know that Dennis Hall will not be able to attend anymore.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the AD at rmcginnis@kimberly.k12.wi.us.  They will be able to answer all questions for you or put you in touch with some one who can help you.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Thank you for the support all of you have shown over the last 5 years with this camp. It has grown from 40 wrestlers to over 100 campers last year.  It is my goal to continue the camp next year in another form.  As my goal has always been to give an excellent camp experience at an affordable price to all who wish to improve themselves.

Tony Schaaf


Dennis Hall will no longer be a clinician at the camp. However, Trevor Brandvold and a few UW wrestlers will still be clinicians, as well as Jake Wozniak and a few other members of the UW-Stevens Point program. There will also be a number of area coaches in attendance. Kimberly hopes to continue to run the great camp that Tony has set up.