out of bounds rule

Started by beswres00, February 16, 2014, 04:30:04 PM

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As an ex wrestler and now a coach I want to ask the question when are we going to change the out of bounds rule? Personally I wish they would gear it more towards college rules if any part of you body is in or on the line. I know in some of the smaller schools it may be hard but overall I think it would help out our sport. This would eliminate alot of the judgement calls made by the refs, was he in was he out. It would make calls more clear cut and not so gray. As coaches it would be nice to see if we could change this rule over the next year or two.


It would seem to be much simpler, wouldn't it?  One consideration might be the need for more out-of-bounds mat space.  Would that require schools to buy larger mats?  Would schools with smaller gyms be able to accommodate as many mats, or would it limit their ability to host tournaments due to limited space?  Would school districts be able to afford any necessary changes, with school budgets being so tight (especially small, rural schools)?
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


Quote from: beswres00 on February 16, 2014, 04:30:04 PM
As an ex wrestler and now a coach I want to ask the question when are we going to change the out of bounds rule? Personally I wish they would gear it more towards college rules if any part of you body is in or on the line. I know in some of the smaller schools it may be hard but overall I think it would help out our sport. This would eliminate alot of the judgement calls made by the refs, was he in was he out. It would make calls more clear cut and not so gray. As coaches it would be nice to see if we could change this rule over the next year or two.


To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Prefontaine

Out of Nowhere

Transitioning from competing in college to coaching high school now this is the biggest annoyance I have with high school wrestling.  It is impossible for the out of bounds calls to be consistent and almost always seems to leave one wrestler unhappy thinking they were or weren't out of bounds.  It also allows for so much more action to happen on the mat that hopefully it could keep the kids wrestling more during the match and less walking back to the center.  If I got to change one rule about high school rules, this would be it.


Watching Sectionals Saturday it was frustrating observing the inconsistency with the out of bounds calls.  To me, the simplest thing to do would be to say if any part of either wrestler is in bounds, the take down should count.  Because of the smaller mats in a lot of cases, you maybe have to call out after the move is completed, but it would be nice to see the aggressive wrestler awarded for the move if he is able to keep some part of himself in bounds.  Not scoring the move is not stopping it from happening, so I can't see safety being much of a concern.  Award the takedown, and reset.

I would also like to see more stalemate's called like they do in college and more consistency in stalling calls made..  It seemed like all of the stalling calls I saw Saturday were on the wrestler with the lead late in the 3rd period.  A stall should be a stall at any point in the match.  It shouldn't be the responsibility of the wrestler with the lead to be more aggressive with a lead he earned late in the 3rd than his opponent was at the end of the 2nd period trying to avoid giving up back points, a late takedown, or an escape for example.. I think awarding more points on the perimeter, calling stalemate more often, and more consistency in calling stalling would lead to more exciting wrestling because it would create a lot more opportunities for scoring.


The college rules do make it much easier to call a match on the official.

Fish we need to stop the small rural school garbage, If the gym has a basketball court it can fit a 42 x 42 mat which most of the newer mats are. College requires a 5 foot safety area, which most mats if they don't have it could put small sections of mat at the edge areas to give you a 5 foot safety area.

I enjoy the college out of bounds rules especially the new back points and pin rule this year.  You can give up backpoints and get pinned as long as a part of either wrestler is in bounds. No safe areas any more to save you on the edge.


Quote from: Spartan on February 24, 2014, 08:39:18 PM
The college rules do make it much easier to call a match on the official.

Fish we need to stop the small rural school garbage, If the gym has a basketball court it can fit a 42 x 42 mat which most of the newer mats are. College requires a 5 foot safety area, which most mats if they don't have it could put small sections of mat at the edge areas to give you a 5 foot safety area.

I enjoy the college out of bounds rules especially the new back points and pin rule this year.  You can give up backpoints and get pinned as long as a part of either wrestler is in bounds. No safe areas any more to save you on the edge.



Quote from: Spartan on February 24, 2014, 08:39:18 PM
The college rules do make it much easier to call a match on the official.

Fish we need to stop the small rural school garbage, If the gym has a basketball court it can fit a 42 x 42 mat which most of the newer mats are. College requires a 5 foot safety area, which most mats if they don't have it could put small sections of mat at the edge areas to give you a 5 foot safety area.

I enjoy the college out of bounds rules especially the new back points and pin rule this year.  You can give up backpoints and get pinned as long as a part of either wrestler is in bounds. No safe areas any more to save you on the edge.

+1000   This should be a priority as far as rule changes. 


College out-of-bounds rule needs to be applied to high school (except for the cylinder modification in recent years), period. We need to reward action that happens on the edge. Watching the big guys use that tiny circle is ridiculous - 2 steps forward or backward from the start and they are already out of bounds. Should speed up the pace of matches - maybe then we can actually have 2-2-2 in consolation matches instead of the bogus 1-2-2. Ridiculous.

Jim Rockford

Quote from: hammen on February 24, 2014, 08:53:58 PM
College out-of-bounds rule needs to be applied to high school (except for the cylinder modification in recent years), period. We need to reward action that happens on the edge. Watching the big guys use that tiny circle is ridiculous - 2 steps forward or backward from the start and they are already out of bounds. Should speed up the pace of matches - maybe then we can actually have 2-2-2 in consolation matches instead of the bogus 1-2-2. Ridiculous.

+1.  I would like to see the fall anywhere as long as you have body part in bounds.  That would teach a lot of kids to continue wrestling no matter where you are on the mat.


Quote from: Spartan on February 24, 2014, 08:39:18 PM
The college rules do make it much easier to call a match on the official.

Fish we need to stop the small rural school garbage, If the gym has a basketball court it can fit a 42 x 42 mat which most of the newer mats are. College requires a 5 foot safety area, which most mats if they don't have it could put small sections of mat at the edge areas to give you a 5 foot safety area.

I enjoy the college out of bounds rules especially the new back points and pin rule this year.  You can give up backpoints and get pinned as long as a part of either wrestler is in bounds. No safe areas any more to save you on the edge.

To clarify, I was not being argumentative.  In fact, I agreed that changing the rule would be helpful.  I was just wondering if the space requirements would be an issue and you apparently have the knowledge to address most of my questions.  As for the "small, rural school garbage," I don't think that it's garbage to consider any budgetary implications for the schools which are currently in greatest financial peril, before making an equipment change.  Many of Wisconsin's smaller school districts are in a huge financial pinch these days (some have even been closed) and taxpayers expect decisions to be made with that in mind.  If the rule change does not result in new mats being purchased, or more floor space, then I'm all for it. 
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


The only real problem with space is in the four spots that the circle is closest to the edge of the mat. In college if the wrestlers touch the floor they stop action. As the wrestlers move closer to the corners, the mat has plenty of room to allow action to continue with one foot in.

The bigger challenge will be to getting the officials to call it correctly. Some officials still make calls that are clear to coaches or are very clear in the book.
Anti-Inclusion Mafia


would be easier to just give one point for the guys going off the mat! Your foot goes out you lose a point!!!
So many times you see guys back up to the edge and then start to wrestle so he can bail when he gets in trouble!
If you want to become the best, You got to wrestle the BEST!


I am just curious if College OOB rules applied could a ref look at the Kreuger vs Englebert Match and tell me if  the score remains the same?

I am not saying anything about the refuting just want to see if it changes anything and that match had allot of wrestling on the edge.


Same sectional, the Sparby-Bennot match had some edge of the mat action that looked like it could have decided the match as well. Pretty frustrating to watch. The aggressive kid seems to be punished at times with how they call the edge of the mat stuff in high school.