Riley Cooper....

Started by velcroe, August 01, 2013, 10:09:38 AM

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What he said and how he acted was extremely inappropriate and he was fined and had to face the music with reporters and teammates, why does ESPN have to make this the lead off story ever hour?  I believe that there were over 70 NFL players arrested since the last Super Bowl, including several domestic violence charges, DUI's, and assault charges, but this is being perceived as worse than all of those.

Am I a racial slur worse than beating your wife, assault on another human being, or driving drunk?


For awhile now ESPN has been more interested in creating the news than reporting it.  

Clearly racial slurs are more politically incorrect than those other offenses so it's not surprizing. 

They're probably just really disappointed it wasn't Tim Tebow saying it with Brett Favre coming out of retirement to take his roster spot.
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