Parkside @ Findlay Open 11/18

Started by Wisconsin Wrestling Fan, November 18, 2023, 09:55:44 AM

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Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Parkside is at the Findlay Open today in Findlay, Ohio.

A good mix of D2, NAIA, and D1 reserves are at the tourney. 41 teams.

The Rangers have 22 wrestlers entered.

Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Parkside has 13 wrestlers in the quarterfinals:

125 Corrigan
133 Chi
133 Rodriguez
141 Henschel
141 Dolphin
149 Spuhler
149 Worachek
149 Craft
165 Schuh
174 Hemauer
197 Stegall
285 Reynolds
285 Guardarrama

184 Worachek had to wrestle a guy ranked ahead of him in D2 first round.  Not sure how that happened.
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Parkside qualified 9 wrestlers into the semifinals:

125 Corrigan
133 Chi
133 Rodriguez
141 Henschel
141 Dolphin
149 Craft
165 Schuh
174 Hemauer
285 Reynolds
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Parkside qualified 4 wrestlers into the finals:

125 Corrigan
141 Henschel
149 Craft
174 Hemauer

The Rangers have 5 wrestlers battling for 3rd:

133 Chi
133 Rodriguez
141 Dolphin
165 Schuh
285 Reynolds

Parkside has 5 wrestlers battling for 5th:

149 Spuhler
149 E. Worachek
184 R. Worachek
197 Stegall
197 Hooker

1 Ranger is going for 7th:

174 Schlosser
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School

Wisconsin Wrestling Fan

Parkside place finishers

125 Corrigan
141 Henschel

149 Craft
174 Hemauer

133 Chi
141 Dolphin
165 Schuh

3rd/4th (Final match not wrestled)
285 Reynolds

133 Rodriguez

197 Stegall

5th/6th (Final match not wrestled)
149 Spuhler
149 E. Worachek
184 R. Worachek

197 Hooker

174 Schlosser

2 Champs - Corrigan wins by Tech Fall and Henschel by Major in the Finals
3 Placewinners at 149
2 Placewinners at 133
2 Placewinners at 141
2 Placewinners at 197
Reece Worachek - 5 straight wins after losing in 1st round to eventual champ
15 out of 22 Rangers placed - incredible!
Kirk Nelson
Badger Wrestling Team 1983-1984
UW-Madison. BBA Degree. Marketing Major.
Fennimore High School