Neenah Mill City Melee Middle School Duals Sat Jan 29th: Looking for 1 Team

Started by lowsingle103, January 20, 2022, 02:54:16 PM

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Neenah is looking for one more Middle School Team for our annual Mill City Melee Duals on Saturday January 29th at Shattuck Middle School (601 Elm Street) in Neenah.

Each team will get 5 duals and we will use the following 17 weight classes.
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 119, 126, 133, 140, 148, 160, 185, 245.
***Wrestlers MUST compete at the weight class their coaches list them
at after the completion of weigh in’s.  Multiple wrestlers per weight class
can compete on a team.  Please rank each wrestler A, B, C.

Teams with signed contracts are...
Bay Port, Freedom, Hortonville, Luxemburg Casco, Neenah,Wittenberg-Birnamwood, and Winneconne

Doors open at 7:15 AM
Weigh In’s by Team 8:00 AM in North Gym
Wrestling begins at approximately– 9:15 AM
First 3 Rounds: 9:15-1:00
Lunch Break: 1:00-1:30
Last Two Rounds: 1:30-4:00

Match Rules:
All periods will be 1:30-1:30-1:30 with a flip prior to each dual to determine who gets choice in 2nd and 3rd periods.  High School overtime rules will be followed.

Contact Kyle Kleuskens @ if interested.

What was hard to bear is sweet to remember!