Online Monikers take hold @ home

Started by ElectricGuy, January 06, 2018, 10:28:47 AM

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Dale Einerson

Proud Grandpa here...kid's single leg and hand ties are very advanced for 10 months, I have high hopes...


You better get that spladle and cement mixer in his head at a young age. This is a critical period. 6 months and he'll be ready for the flying squirrel.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

M-Town Fan

Grew up in a town nicknamed "M-Town" and made my forum name in high school... Now I'm five years past that and coaching at a different school so my colleagues make sure to rip M-Town Fan's posts and predictions every chance they get  ;D


In my opinion the spladle is a dangerous move, if you are going to teach it to young kids make sure that they do it right. Too many refs don't check if it stays legal.
I am now OLD enough to know how little I knew when I knew it ALL.


Quote from: ElectricGuy on January 12, 2018, 04:36:26 PM
Quote from: imnofish on January 11, 2018, 04:31:56 PM
Quote from: ElectricGuy on January 11, 2018, 03:57:19 PM
Quote from: woody53 on January 11, 2018, 02:59:27 PM
Maybe all of us who have become Grandpas (And Grandmas) since we became part of this form, Should change to having Grandpa or Grandma to our screen name.

You guys are making me feel old, especially since I have them and my old coach / teacher  (fish) doesn't yet? 

ElectricGrandpa ???   

Nah - I still have a freshman, so I'm going to punt on taking that name until she graduates.  :)

You have grandkids?   :o   I have 6 of them, but no GREATGRANDKIDS...    yet. 

I know I know,, I must of mis-read your post, thought I saw you were still waiting on grandkids, but your waiting on Great Grandkids!  wow...

I have an 8th grader and I am a grandpa!!!!!!

grandpa littleguy!!!!!!! sigh but all is good!
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet

Dale Einerson

Hello LG!  How many times has your child taken 8th grade?


Quote from: thequad on January 31, 2018, 11:18:36 AM
In my opinion the spladle is a dangerous move, if you are going to teach it to young kids make sure that they do it right. Too many refs don't check if it stays legal.
Thats the first move I teach my kids. Can't wrestle if you don't know how to do the spladle.


Quote from: thequad on January 31, 2018, 11:18:36 AM
In my opinion the spladle is a dangerous move, if you are going to teach it to young kids make sure that they do it right. Too many refs don't check if it stays legal.

Yes, of course. Still, if an 8-year-old can chain together 6-8 moves sequentially, I'd say they might be competitive by high school. especially if the moves are complex enough and of a low percentage nature, so as to maximize the surprise effect.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: Dale Einerson on January 31, 2018, 01:12:26 PM
Hello LG!  How many times has your child taken 8th grade?

well some maybe a tad ticked off at that comment. He is a very young 8th grader and if I would have listened to my wife the educator he would have been in 7th but I wear the pants in the family because my wife says I can ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

now if you were refering to me as to how many times I was in 8th grade that might be a head scratcher, not sure if I should have repeated or the teachers just couldnt wait to move me along. have never got that answer!!!!!!!

though I did go to high school for 4 1/4 years. Had to take that dreaded summer school to get that diploma ;D

my son gets his smarts from his mom, thank goodness and his looks, demeanor and about anything good is from his mom. I was happy that he was quoting beavis and butthead the other day so their is some influence deep down somewhere in the little, little guy ;D ;D ;D ;D
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


this is a long winded story that I had to toss in if anyone cared ;D

when my daughter was little I always held her hand while in parking lots, crossing roads and such. this extended into latter elemtary school. I always said the cars might not see you but I am much bigger than a deer so your safer with me. over protecting dad I am.

so years latter my son came along and I would do the same thing with him but at a very early age he was the typical boy and said he dont need my stinkin hand and the deer story didnt hit home. So being the over protective dad I was I re invented the hold the hand for safety across parking lots and streets into you have to have hand control to do such things. My sons hand went directly into mine without any question and I was back being an over protecting dad or proud dad, one of the other. That lasted until latter elementary school also, then he wised up and said his head, hand and feet defense would take care of any danger. guess I couldnt argue with that.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


been working on the grandson grip. can never over look a good stronge grip! though it is amazing the grip they put on that nuk when they really need it.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet