christmas tournies

Started by littleguy301, December 21, 2015, 07:19:42 AM

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Where is everyone going and how do the fans think it will go for them?

I believe Amery is the only MBC team that will not be wrestling over christmas.
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Low Single

I believe everyone but Amery and Ellsworth will be attending the Northern Badger.  Ellsworth will be at the Bi-State.  Overall the conference should see some individual success at both tournies.  Should be fun to watch.
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New Richmond and Ellsworth will be at Bi-State and Amery will be at  home enjoying some good old fashion home cooking.

I was wondering who would place high and what teams may make a run for the top spot at their respective divisions or over all.

Ellsworth should make a run at top spot in their division and should battle LC if they are there for that. Ellsworth should also battle Stratford for the top spot but that may be a tall order.

I believe that SCC will make a run at the top spot in their division at NB, out side that not sure where to think most fall.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


It will be interesting to see if taking a mid-season break benefits Amery's wrestlers at the end of the year.  Decades ago, my father ascribed to this theory and felt it was beneficial. 
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

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Ellsworth was 20th at Minnesota Christmas tournament and you think they could be top three at bistable ? That's a hec of a good week at practice.or a real weak tourney


Quote from: Jimmy on December 21, 2015, 08:26:53 AM
Ellsworth was 20th at Minnesota Christmas tournament and you think they could be top three at bistable ? That's a hec of a good week at practice.or a real weak tourney
MN Xmas is brutally tough. 20th without mueller is pretty good. Boyceville by a mile at NB followed  by SVE. SCC has 5 wrestlers that can make an impact. Might get them into the top 6-7.
Hudson should represent THE BRC quite well just edging Stratford. Both will be 80 pts ahead of Ells and LC.

Low Single

I think Valley can keep things closer with Boyceville in the tournament.  Should be a close finish.  Not sure Hudson has the firepower to beat Stratford.  Stratford could ultimately end with 4-5 champs which will carry them to tourney champs.
60% of the time, it works every time!


The top 8 in the Christmas tournament would be in the top 10 at the Bi-state. Stratford and Hudson both wouldn't even crack the top 5 in my opinion. The number 1 overall team in Wisconsin took 5th! So yes the Bi-state is not near the competition as the Christmas tournament. Bi-state has great individuals but the depths of the teams are not remotely the same.

Low Single

IMO I wouldn't say Kaukauna is the best team in the state.  Last year's Kaukauna team, yes.  This year's, no.  I think Stratford has the edge this year.  Kaukauna not nearly as tough as they have been in the last few years.
60% of the time, it works every time!


Quote from: Jimmy on December 21, 2015, 08:26:53 AM
Ellsworth was 20th at Minnesota Christmas tournament and you think they could be top three at bistable ? That's a hec of a good week at practice.or a real weak tourney

yes they will have a tough week of practice and will get another place winner back in the line up so for Ellsworth to finish in the top 5 I think is in the cards.

Bi-State is not a weak tournament, it is that the Minnesota Christmas tournament is a pretty darn good tournament and probably shouldnt be measured up against most other tournaments. Plus remember Ellsworth is very young with only 2 seniors completing (or was it 3) at the christmas tournament. I think next year Ellsworth will be just fine and place top 10.

Quote from: Low Single on December 22, 2015, 07:37:18 AM
I think Valley can keep things closer with Boyceville in the tournament.  Should be a close finish.  Not sure Hudson has the firepower to beat Stratford.  Stratford could ultimately end with 4-5 champs which will carry them to tourney champs.

I agree but it depends on if Boycville has all the studs in the line up. When I say this I am talking about Johnson which I am not sure will be there or not. Also remember SV gets Hulburt back for the NB which will be some serious points for them.

I also believe for the large division SCC could make a run at top 3 or even top 2. I think SCC will be firmly in the top 10 and maybe higher.

With Hudson, I know they have a very good dual team but are they as good of a tournament team as they are a dual team? That is the question and Stratford has a very good tournament team with some very big point scorers.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet

The Last Ride

Quote from: westside on December 22, 2015, 09:26:44 AM
The top 8 in the Christmas tournament would be in the top 10 at the Bi-state. Stratford and Hudson both wouldn't even crack the top 5 in my opinion. The number 1 overall team in Wisconsin took 5th! So yes the Bi-state is not near the competition as the Christmas tournament. Bi-state has great individuals but the depths of the teams are not remotely the same.

I think Hudson and Kaukauna will meet in the first round D1 State and it will be very close...... :o
"Do or do not. There is no try."

– Yoda


Quote from: westside on December 22, 2015, 09:26:44 AM
The top 8 in the Christmas tournament would be in the top 10 at the Bi-state. Stratford and Hudson both wouldn't even crack the top 5 in my opinion. The number 1 overall team in Wisconsin took 5th! So yes the Bi-state is not near the competition as the Christmas tournament. Bi-state has great individuals but the depths of the teams are not remotely the same.

I would back you on this abit.

I think Hudson is a very good dual team but not sure if they are as good of a tournament team as a dual team.

Stratford is still quite young and with those kids, they can and will score some serious points at a tournament. Not saying they are the best team out there but they can score tournament points in bunches.

I think Stratford next year would do very well at the MN christmas tournament.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Lg I don't mean to argue with the worlds greatest mind but Hudson is a good tourney team also.


Quote from: Jimmy on December 21, 2015, 08:26:53 AM
Ellsworth was 20th at Minnesota Christmas tournament and you think they could be top three at bistable ? That's a hec of a good week at practice.or a real weak tourney

must have been a heck of a week of practice!!!!!
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Quote from: Jimmy on December 31, 2015, 10:46:41 AM
Lg I don't mean to argue with the worlds greatest mind but Hudson is a good tourney team also.

Yes they are and much better than what I thought going in.

It is a shame that they will wrestle Kaukana in the first round!

Also I talked to the legendary middles school coaches wife,,,,she set me straight and now I am way more knowledgable with Hudson!!!!!
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet