Barry Davis and the history of the UW wrestling program

Started by wrestlemania, April 02, 2015, 12:36:49 AM

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dad 2 5

too bad to hear Robert is verbal to Pitt. I hope it goes well for him. I was hoping for a UW signing. Mr Lee can speak to it if he would like, but from what I heard there was contact by the UW and the Lee's. This recruiting for the UW is a tough business as to me they need to turn the corner and get the top couple of guys from the state each year and a 3 top 80 or so in the nation. I would think you could build some good depth in the room with that.


Yeah, Liz's criticism is a bit off. Of course Lee was contacted (confirmed by his father on this forum), but as others have pointed out, the Badgers a load of in-state guys around Lee's weight with similar credentials. You simply can't expect the Badgers to pony-up a full ride for Lee, given those circumstance. If Lee could get a better offer else-where, more power to the kid - take it and run.

As for all of those great in-state kids who "never" were contacted by the Badgers, don't believe everything you hear. Given the available technology, I venture a guess that every single state champ (regardless of the quality of that wrestler) gets a mail-merge congratulatory letter (at the very least) from the Badger coaching staff. Thus, they likely have been contacted. They may take umbrage that they have not been actively recruited however and, as 17-18 year-olds, claim that they have been ignored by the Badger coaching staff. Take it for what it is - but don't repeat it as gospel.
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope


Quote from: charteroak1 on April 14, 2015, 03:07:55 PM
I get a kick out of reading some of these posts.  So, everyone wants the Barry and the Badgers to be National Champs Correct?  But yet, we should make sure that Barry and Co. talks and recruits every state champion in WI.  I hate to say it but, if I'm looking to win a national championship I'm sending my letters to every Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Jersey, California and even Iowa state champion first.  I love Wisconsin and will support them, but we will never win with the depth that our state currently has.  When Barry and Co are fighting for the same guys as WW, UWL, Plattville and other UW system schools, you know you have a problem.  Someone had mentioned in a post during the state tournament that read something like this "Anyone see Barry at the WI state tournament?"  God, I hope not!!!  Mitch, Kyle or Trevor can be there, but Barry better be where the top #100 recruits in the country are and if you've seen Flo (3 kids ranked), Intermat (4 kids ranked) or any other national ranking system, unfortunately WI doesn't have more than 4 kids total out of 280 spots. 

In theory if this were true there would be need to recruit Dieringer, Monk, Askrens, Conrad, Lowney and Hartung to name a few.  

If it just came down to recruiting those states teams like Rider, Rutgers, Every PA school outside PSU and Edinboro, every OH school outside tOSU, every CA school and Pac 12 team, every Illinois team would not be average to bad.

The Badgers need to get the best in state talent and it needs to be mixed with top out of state talent.  The Badgers will never be a top team if they can't secure the best in state kids and develop them.


Hello folks, just wanted to clear a few things up. Our family has always been Badger fans, and original plans were to Wrestle for the W. Kids grow and interests change. He wanted to wrestle out east for a PA school. Wisconsin was VERY good to us! Kyle & Trevor were in his corner all over the country. Those guys are amazing and the heart & soul of that program. Mitch has been a great addition behind the scenes. Barry has come to our school for visits multiple times, as well as sit down with my son at the university many times. Barry even came to my Fox Valley Elite practice and signed autographs and posed for pics with our youth. JT  & RT have been nothing short of awesome selling the program and working with my son. Great crew of kids in Wisconsin. I wish them the best, honestly do.
Not sure everyone on here understands the scholarship money portion. I'm not sure what kids usually get offered and I'm sure there are different circumstances, we would not have paid a dime in Madison.

lizard king

I don't want to seem negative.  I think recruiting is hard and I don't pretend to think I could do it well.  I do have some personal experience though.  I am just saying that there is not much money and it is split up usually in strange, but needed ways.  I get that.  I think as a coach you have to use that money and time to recruit the best kids in the nation and that is usually top 100 pfp ranked kids.  Most of them are not from Wisconsin.  All I am adding is that I think you can also go after the Wisconsin kids with out offering them money.  Talk to them, invite them for a visit, email them, I don't care, but let them know they are wanted but we just can't give them athletic money (maybe academic for some.)   Now some of you think I am an idiot for thinking they do not do this but you are wrong.  I know a few kids who were not just state champs, but placed at Fargo at least once, placed at NWCA senior nationals, and/or were ranked in weight class rankings that were NEVER contacted.  One I know for a fact and the others just told me that.  Now the one I know was given a full scholarship, (1/2 athletic and 1/2 academic) at another D1 school and would have turned it down if there was any interest from Wisconsin.  Say what you want, and maybe that is not happening in the last couple years, but it did, and that will hurt if it continues.


The boys we get are the boys we get.
Let's get and stay behind them.

I can tell you as a former out of state wrestler that my Wisconsin teammates treated me far better than I deserved, as did the booster club. If you don't believe that is key than I'm sorry. Its HUGE. Wrestlers, like many students, get in over their heads and don't have Mom and Dad nearby to lean on. To have the boys here from Wisconsin AND their families to help prop up the others makes the team stronger.

We've got excellent recruits from Wisconsin. Do you really believe its all on the coaches that the WI boys don't win it all since Rein? 

I fell short of my goals here....and you know what?  Its all on ME. 

"Dying ain't much of a livin', boy"


Quote from: OneEyedFatMan on April 14, 2015, 05:19:38 PM
The boys we get are the boys we get.
Let's get and stay behind them.

I can tell you as a former out of state wrestler that my Wisconsin teammates treated me far better than I deserved, as did the booster club. If you don't believe that is key than I'm sorry. Its HUGE. Wrestlers, like many students, get in over their heads and don't have Mom and Dad nearby to lean on. To have the boys here from Wisconsin AND their families to help prop up the others makes the team stronger.

We've got excellent recruits from Wisconsin. Do you really believe its all on the coaches that the WI boys don't win it all since Rein? 

I fell short of my goals here....and you know what?  Its all on ME. 

Okay - I blame you FatMan - can I fire you?  ;)
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope


" I hate to say it but, if I'm looking to win a national championship I'm sending my letters to every Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Jersey, California and even Iowa state champion first."

MN, too. Great HS wrestling.

I dunno. One could say JT hasn't worked out as well as many predicted. True. We had people on here calling him a 4-timer. The young man obviously loves Greco. I love watching him Greco and dig it when I see those skills in folk.

I still love the guys from WI I see out there. I'm sure not qualified to say if BD should stay or go; but I met him many years ago at a camp (I was a kid) and he drilled me like a silver medalist not having to try. He was a great guy to me and took some precious time to show me the Iowa finish. Just that HC switch to double and drift(drive+lift). That one finish has scored at least 70% of my TDs in HS and College. Not the finish per se; but doing it correctly/consistently. He took the time, so I owe him a debt of gratitude. Thus, I'm biased. I remember seeing BD, Heffernan's, Marty Kistler, et. al. using that finish. That was Gable right there.

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Hi Big G.

I wrestled Jim Heffernan in the dual when he was a true freshman and I was a senior. Got news for ya...he had that finish coming straight out of St. Eds.
Actually, his first TD on me was a re-shot calf-pick  :o  yeah, surprised me too .
Jim got hosed in his last NCAA final ( he was in 3) against Tim Krieger--referee was afraid to call stalling. Should have had 2 titles.

But yes, Barry D was a machine gun of a take down artist.

Quote from: bigG on April 14, 2015, 07:34:48 PM
" I hate to say it but, if I'm looking to win a national championship I'm sending my letters to every Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Jersey, California and even Iowa state champion first."

MN, too. Great HS wrestling.

I dunno. One could say JT hasn't worked out as well as many predicted. True. We had people on here calling him a 4-timer. The young man obviously loves Greco. I love watching him Greco and dig it when I see those skills in folk.

I still love the guys from WI I see out there. I'm sure not qualified to say if BD should stay or go; but I met him many years ago at a camp (I was a kid) and he drilled me like a silver medalist not having to try. He was a great guy to me and took some precious time to show me the Iowa finish. Just that HC switch to double and drift(drive+lift). That one finish has scored at least 70% of my TDs in HS and College. Not the finish per se; but doing it correctly/consistently. He took the time, so I owe him a debt of gratitude. Thus, I'm biased. I remember seeing BD, Heffernan's, Marty Kistler, et. al. using that finish. That was Gable right there.

"Dying ain't much of a livin', boy"


Yes, you may!

Quote from: npope on April 14, 2015, 05:47:51 PM
Quote from: OneEyedFatMan on April 14, 2015, 05:19:38 PM
The boys we get are the boys we get.
Let's get and stay behind them.

I can tell you as a former out of state wrestler that my Wisconsin teammates treated me far better than I deserved, as did the booster club. If you don't believe that is key than I'm sorry. Its HUGE. Wrestlers, like many students, get in over their heads and don't have Mom and Dad nearby to lean on. To have the boys here from Wisconsin AND their families to help prop up the others makes the team stronger.

We've got excellent recruits from Wisconsin. Do you really believe its all on the coaches that the WI boys don't win it all since Rein? 

I fell short of my goals here....and you know what?  Its all on ME. 

Okay - I blame you FatMan - can I fire you?  ;)
"Dying ain't much of a livin', boy"


You know, we did not lift as a team back then ( late 70s early 80s) during the season ( and very little as a team during the off-season).

Did a &^%$ of a lot of drilling/set-up work though  :P
We lost Mark Zimmer( Ohio's first 4 timer) because he didn't want to drill so much. Great wrestler and super hard worker. He went to Oklahoma and they didn't drill much there. It didn't improve his AA status much- from 8th to 7th, but he did sustain some injuries from a bad car wreck.

Drilling is drudgery but it has to be done. Every job has that caveat.
"Dying ain't much of a livin', boy"


Quote from: OneEyedFatMan on April 15, 2015, 08:37:29 AM
Hi Big G.

I wrestled Jim Heffernan in the dual when he was a true freshman and I was a senior. Got news for ya...he had that finish coming straight out of St. Eds.
Actually, his first TD on me was a re-shot calf-pick  :o  yeah, surprised me too .
Jim got hosed in his last NCAA final ( he was in 3) against Tim Krieger--referee was afraid to call stalling. Should have had 2 titles.

But yes, Barry D was a machine gun of a take down artist.

Quote from: bigG on April 14, 2015, 07:34:48 PM
I remember that final. I was miffed. He was busting it and TK was just holding on. St. Eds; but so many not from there were just the same finish; save for the flea. He liked back sweeps. No shame in losing to Heffernan. Or, did you beat him? I'd say of all Gable disciples, Jim H would be my #1 in terms of influence on me. Just a buzz saw.

Those were the daaaaaays.  :)
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


I must say I'm enjoying this conversation. Heffernan was a beast.


If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope