What happened to this Forum?

Started by Wrestlologist, January 05, 2015, 10:04:11 PM

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I have been wondering the same thing. I used to love coming on here. There would be 15 different topics a day. Now the minute you say anything on here someone will hammer you. My belief is there are about 10 to 15 people that do all the posts on here. Most of them are not fun people. Maybe they just need a hug.


MarkK, did someone urinate in your Wheaties this morning?  Take your heart medication and sit back down on the couch.
Nothing like getting yourself all worked up and thinking you are high and mighty.  Have a great day!


 I think this might be another test and I'm about to fail another time.  I didn't start the negative thread. The facts are what I state followed by my opinion.  This is another do as I day not as I do example.  I'm not falling for that either.  I'm not worked up but thanks for wishing me a great day
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Benjamin Franklin


All that people post on here are facts. If you want facts, go on trackwrestling. Make wrestling exciting and add some drama once in a while. You don't have to bash on wrestlers but it's okay to have opinions


Quote from: missinghome on January 06, 2015, 08:25:26 AM
I have been wondering the same thing. I used to love coming on here. There would be 15 different topics a day. Now the minute you say anything on here someone will hammer you. My belief is there are about 10 to 15 people that do all the posts on here. Most of them are not fun people. Maybe they just need a hug.

I think you are on to something.  I'll admit, I use to post on here more frequently.  I've been a member since about 2001.  I do not regularly post as much as I use to.  I would say for me, part of it is the difference between being 22 and being 36.  8)  In the last 5 years I have routinely found myself typing out a response to a thread, rereading that response and then deleting it.  Some things I have found are just better left unsaid.  
Proverbs 27:17


If you know Maggie, then you know this forum doesn't just have facts.   Right Maggie?    ;D ;)

Maggie, Milton did show up at the Dvorak?  Right?  I know some kids were sick and another had a broken something?   Do you have an opinion on that?  Love to hear your opinion.  We all know the facts.
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: MarkK on January 06, 2015, 09:29:43 AM
If you know Maggie, then you know this forum doesn't just have facts.   Right Maggie?    ;D ;)

Maggie, Milton did show up at the Dvorak?  Right?  I know some kids were sick and another had a broken something?   Do you have an opinion on that?  Love to hear your opinion.  We all know the facts.
I like Maggie because he's trying to make it better and posts a lot with his opinion, but he could definitely work on his jokes. They're pretty bad


I'm new to commenting here.  I expressed my annoyance yesterday because someone made a comment about  a specific wrestler.  Commenter said they were disappointed in this wrestler's unimpressive performance as an upperclassman.  I know this wrestler has battled chronic illness. I'm not related to him, and my kids wrestle for another team.  I just know this is a great kid who's had a tough go. I felt defensive for him.  I really do think you can be interesting without making negative remarks about specific kids.  

I could be wrong, but in my head I have always pictured most of the commenters here to be battle tested, tough wrestling types.  I sure didn't expect anyone to get hurt feelings because I disagreed with them. Sorry if that happened.

That's as interesting as I get.


I agree with you Mack kids don't need the pressure of knowing who is posting negativity about them on a wrestling forum.   They've got Facebook to deal with too.
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. Benjamin Franklin

Dale Einerson

Quote from: Tews19 on January 06, 2015, 09:16:49 AM
I'm pretty new to the forum. I have no clue who is who unless their SN is part of a last name ie einerson? I think he and his family are the ones up in Wisconsin Rapids. I am curious who TomM and Maggie are? I did see the comments about Askren years. Those sound like interesting times on the forum. I'm glad this forum wasn't around when I wrestled him in HS. Man it was ugly.

TomM is the one person you absolutely have to be nice to, at all times, without fail.  He is the founder/moderator; we are just lucky he is an awesome, totally awesome guy.  I mean it, I am serious, like totally.

Maggie, is well, the guy in flannel shirts who picks up programs he doesn't need at the door of a wrestling event, and his handle is the name of a prior pooch he owned and loved. He goes to about half of the wrestling events he says he will, but he comments on all of them.  He is a Milton faithful follower, without fail, which you kind of have to like if you are a fan of wrestling yourself.  Maggie often disproves his own points, so, just get him talking and it is kind of fun to watch.  One thing you can count on Maggie to do, always, is be a fan of wrestling and any kid that shows heart on a mat.

Hope that helps; yes, Lodi, then moved to the Rapids Area, with 1 that went through the University of Dubuque and 2 at LAX.

Littleguy...isn't.  Has a handshake that makes most peoples arms disappear up to about mid forearm.  Truly a nice guy to meet and talk to.  Big fan, coaches the younger ones in his home area, and I have to say, even when we have a disagreement, I trust him to always look at things from a very open mind.  Probably one of the people you would put on your top of "people I wish were my neighbor" list.

BigG.  Teaches, Worked (still?) part time in corrections, Coached at Cashton, and, he and Littleguy both offered to me that if I was in the area watching wrestling they had a place for me to stay if the weather got rough.  Seriously, what more do you need to know...

Anybody else you want me to describe through my admittedly biased eyes?


NIce Mr. Einerson, I don't mind opinions. Though it is always nice to have a little fact to back em up :)


Crap Dale, I don't want to know what you think of me!  ???  lol
Strive for Perfection

Dale Einerson

Quote from: Mack on January 06, 2015, 09:40:17 AM
I'm new to commenting here.  I expressed my annoyance yesterday because someone made a comment about  a specific wrestler.  Commenter said they were disappointed in this wrestler's unimpressive performance as an upperclassman.  I know this wrestler has battled chronic illness. I'm not related to him, and my kids wrestle for another team.  I just know this is a great kid who's had a tough go. I felt defensive for him.  I really do think you can be interesting without making negative remarks about specific kids.  

I could be wrong, but in my head I have always pictured most of the commenters here to be battle tested, tough wrestling types.  I sure didn't expect anyone to get hurt feelings because I disagreed with them. Sorry if that happened.

That's as interesting as I get.

I think there used to be significantly more commenting on favorites, rankings, wrestler A would be wrestler B with bonus points...Team D beat Team E, Team E beat Team F, so Team D will beat Team F...and somehow we are supposed to forget that match ups matter when we all know match ups matter.

I think, in the case of young Smith, I was at the Cheesehead, I saw him compete; will say that he was and is a joy to watch.  Skilled, always in the future, aggressive...and the match I watched where he did not come out on top was highly contested.  Now, remembering, the match I saw was the top 2 seeds in a pool in what is probably the toughest individual tournament in the state, the year the opposing wrestler was in school probably means little. And then there is my opinion that we often place far too much emphasis on the results of 1 match, or even 2 matches...when the top wrestle the top, perhaps it should be expected that what was a loss, might not be a loss if they wrestled again...it is that close.

Dale Einerson

Quote from: bkraus on January 06, 2015, 10:09:15 AM
Crap Dale, I don't want to know what you think of me!  ???  lol

So, bkraus, this is where you have to click the red X on the right top of your screen...

...ah, was able to right the urge off, for now...


This thread is laced with so much irony I have to chuckle. Some guy who says he has been around for 10 years and has a grand total of about 150 posts complains about the current lack of "chatter" on the forum. Another guy says that the "chatter" was so much better in the Askren years because there was so much more of it. But a lot of that banter was negative because Ben was such a divisive personality. Then others come on and complain about directing negative comments at specific wrestlers. One early poster says that this place is policed too much (by Tom) - a point with which I would disagree (is that okay for me to say Tom?  ;) ).

The forum is what it is and it is all about the posters - without posters there is no forum. Want to complain about a lack of chatter? Ahem... then post instead of lurking...or threatening to go away. Geezzz, doesn't that just beat all? A lurker who virtually never posts gets on the forum and threatens to go away because there isn't enough chatter to satisfy him?  ::)
Merely having an opinion doesn't necessarily make it a good one

Nat Pope