Federal Court-wolf hunting ends now

Started by maggie, December 19, 2014, 07:00:37 PM

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Quote from: bigG on February 13, 2015, 04:45:48 PM
You got like a daily gun, or do you pick a different honey every day? Always wondered how that worked. I got my atlatl all heated up and ready to chuck. Just say the word!! ;)

Several into the rotation ..............


Great show on last night with hunting wolves with archery equipment. very wary the wolves are but in the end the Hunter won but ip close and personal. very cool hunting show.


LOL!! What's today's model?

Where'd you catch the bow/wolf show?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: wrestle84 on February 13, 2015, 05:56:20 PM
Quote from: bigG on February 13, 2015, 04:31:02 PM
Dang it. I can't find this source again. I know I wasn't dreaming. The wolf planning group, though, is set to meet and rework the plan this spring. Just can't find my source again. Grr.

Last I heard, it was delayed due to the relisting.

True. Looks like we want to sink our congressional resources into this.

Wisconsin Ag News Headlines 

Wisconsin Lawmakers Co-Sponsor Wolf Population Management Bill
Wisconsin Ag Connection - 02/13/2015

A group of Congressmen, include several from Wisconsin, introduced a bill this week to direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue final rules relating to listing of the gray wolf in the Western Great Lakes and Wyoming under the Endangered Species Act.

The measure would reinstate two decisions of the Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf from the Endangered Species List and allow states to continue their successful population management plans. The Endangered Species Act and the ability of the Fish and Wildlife Service to re-list the gray wolf in the case of future population changes are left entirely intact.

"Wisconsin's gray wolf population has significantly recovered over the last several decades, and I am confident in our state's ability to manage the population," said Rep. Reid Ribble, who is one of the co-sponsors of the bill. "This bipartisan legislative fix will allow the Great Lakes states to continue the effective work they are doing in managing wolf populations without tying the hands of the Fish and Wildlife Service or undermining the Endangered Species Act."

Other co-sponsors from the Badger State include Sean Duffy, Glenn Grothman, Ron Kind, Paul Ryan, and Jim Sensenbrenner,

On December 21, Judge Beryl Howell ruled that the wildlife agency should not have removed federal protections for wolves in Wisconsin and eight other Great Lakes states, which led to several wolf hunting seasons in many of those states. He then immediately placed the animal under protections first established in the late-1970s.

This surely must be at the top of the list of "things" to do in congress.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


lol... :D   the hunter won what?....a wolf pelt? meat to eat?...or just a sense of killing pride?..man over wolf, Man wins every time...sounds quite sporty to me! almost as sporty as Bobcat hunting with your dogs, Tree a cat, and sit down below and pluck away at a sitting target... :D...ya, it doesn't get any funner than that!  :D
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: bigG on February 14, 2015, 09:50:01 AM
Quote from: wrestle84 on February 13, 2015, 05:56:20 PM
Quote from: bigG on February 13, 2015, 04:31:02 PM
Dang it. I can't find this source again. I know I wasn't dreaming. The wolf planning group, though, is set to meet and rework the plan this spring. Just can't find my source again. Grr.

Last I heard, it was delayed due to the relisting.

True. Looks like we want to sink our congressional resources into this.

Wisconsin Ag News Headlines 

Wisconsin Lawmakers Co-Sponsor Wolf Population Management Bill
Wisconsin Ag Connection - 02/13/2015

A group of Congressmen, include several from Wisconsin, introduced a bill this week to direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue final rules relating to listing of the gray wolf in the Western Great Lakes and Wyoming under the Endangered Species Act.

The measure would reinstate two decisions of the Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf from the Endangered Species List and allow states to continue their successful population management plans. The Endangered Species Act and the ability of the Fish and Wildlife Service to re-list the gray wolf in the case of future population changes are left entirely intact.

"Wisconsin's gray wolf population has significantly recovered over the last several decades, and I am confident in our state's ability to manage the population," said Rep. Reid Ribble, who is one of the co-sponsors of the bill. "This bipartisan legislative fix will allow the Great Lakes states to continue the effective work they are doing in managing wolf populations without tying the hands of the Fish and Wildlife Service or undermining the Endangered Species Act."

Other co-sponsors from the Badger State include Sean Duffy, Glenn Grothman, Ron Kind, Paul Ryan, and Jim Sensenbrenner,

On December 21, Judge Beryl Howell ruled that the wildlife agency should not have removed federal protections for wolves in Wisconsin and eight other Great Lakes states, which led to several wolf hunting seasons in many of those states. He then immediately placed the animal under protections first established in the late-1970s.

This surely must be at the top of the list of "things" to do in congress.

A Congressman or woman's job is to represent the will of their constituents.


Must be some serious "constituents" backing this. :) Hard to believe enough "constituency" would drive such an effort. Just work-a-holics. Maybe we could substantiate with numbers.

I hope this is worth the effort to those who enjoy the right to hunt/trap wolf. To me, it's a bit of a waste of time. But, whatever. If this means that much to our state, financially, let it ride. Is this a cost-effective practice?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 14, 2015, 03:13:06 PM
Must be some serious "constituents" backing this. :) Hard to believe enough "constituency" would drive such an effort. Just work-a-holics. Maybe we could substantiate with numbers.

I hope this is worth the effort to those who enjoy the right to hunt/trap wolf. To me, it's a bit of a waste of time. But, whatever. If this means that much to our state, financially, let it ride. Is this a cost-effective practice?

Sales of applications and tags for the wolf season brought in over $150,000 last year.


Quote from: maggie on February 14, 2015, 09:54:50 AM
lol... :D   the hunter won what?....a wolf pelt? meat to eat?...or just a sense of killing pride?..man over wolf, Man wins every time...sounds quite sporty to me! almost as sporty as Bobcat hunting with your dogs, Tree a cat, and sit down below and pluck away at a sitting target... :D...ya, it doesn't get any funner than that!  :D

Do you get a sense of killing pride when you hunt deer , ducks, pheasant, rabbits, frogs, mice, gophers and so on.

Second question; do you have ANY idea what sporty is?

Third question; when post such ignorant rants do you even realize that you are doing so?


Quote from: wrestle84 on February 14, 2015, 05:15:09 PM
Quote from: bigG on February 14, 2015, 03:13:06 PM
Must be some serious "constituents" backing this. :) Hard to believe enough "constituency" would drive such an effort. Just work-a-holics. Maybe we could substantiate with numbers.

I hope this is worth the effort to those who enjoy the right to hunt/trap wolf. To me, it's a bit of a waste of time. But, whatever. If this means that much to our state, financially, let it ride. Is this a cost-effective practice?

Sales of applications and tags for the wolf season brought in over $150,000 last year.

Sounds like a great use of congressional time. Not like it's free to manage them.

Just don't get why is "congressional" important.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 14, 2015, 10:47:53 PM
Quote from: wrestle84 on February 14, 2015, 05:15:09 PM
Quote from: bigG on February 14, 2015, 03:13:06 PM
Must be some serious "constituents" backing this. :) Hard to believe enough "constituency" would drive such an effort. Just work-a-holics. Maybe we could substantiate with numbers.

I hope this is worth the effort to those who enjoy the right to hunt/trap wolf. To me, it's a bit of a waste of time. But, whatever. If this means that much to our state, financially, let it ride. Is this a cost-effective practice?

Sales of applications and tags for the wolf season brought in over $150,000 last year.

Sounds like a great use of congressional time. Not like it's free to manage them.

Just don't get why is "congressional" important.

I am not too surprised that you don't get it.


If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


well thanks again for the degrading remark Rammy, somehow you forget I'm like a duck... :)... however, I don't take pride from killing anything, as you must and what i do shoot, I eat, i do know that SPORTY is not treeing a defenceless Anminal and simply shooting it to watch it hit the ground, Must give ya sense of Bigness ha?  sure gives a Hunter a lot pride in doing that ha?..  ::)   i wouldn't know, I never did it...if thats your idea of sporty, I feel for ya Dude, it's people like you that take "fair chase, fair game"  to your own self righteous level, a level i will never lowering myself too...people like you have long forgotten the true conception of Hunting...and ya, you bet i know what I'm doing!....besides making a fool out of you, I'm trying to preserve the rights of Traditional Hunting ...how that?... ;) ...shoot away!.....
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


Quote from: maggie on February 15, 2015, 08:58:17 AM
well thanks again for the degrading remark Rammy, somehow you forget I'm like a duck... :)... however, I don't take pride from killing anything, as you must and what i do shoot, I eat, i do know that SPORTY is not treeing a defenceless Anminal and simply shooting it to watch it hit the ground, Must give ya sense of Bigness ha?  sure gives a Hunter a lot pride in doing that ha?..  ::)   i wouldn't know, I never did it...if thats your idea of sporty, I feel for ya Dude, it's people like you that take "fair chase, fair game"  to your own self righteous level, a level i will never lowering myself too...people like you have long forgotten the true conception of Hunting...and ya, you bet i know what I'm doing!....besides making a fool out of you, I'm trying to preserve the rights of Traditional Hunting ...how that?... ;) ...shoot away!.....

Great, another barstool expert. So you have never done it and yet somehow you feel like you know all about it. That is like someone that has never seen a wrestling match saying that wrestling should be banned because it is a barbaric sport. Would you take their opinion seriously?


" That is like someone that has never seen a wrestling match saying that wrestling should be banned because it is a barbaric sport."

This is why I read some of the science.  You have just been posting your uninformed opinions on this. You preach from the stool, as well.

350 is all the science you need, right?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.