Federal Court-wolf hunting ends now

Started by maggie, December 19, 2014, 07:00:37 PM

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seems that they had the same problem in NJ in 82.....kill'em all i say! WARREN WILL FLUSH'EM OUT!........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbmS5Pq6e7A
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


This is a smile step to allow States manage the resource I cannot understand why you think G,Maggie, Fish this ismhard thing we as the State of Wisconsin should be able to manage our resources after all our scientist know better what the condition and numbers than the Fedzilla.

The premise in which you argue against State control is the same one you use too promote science.

Maggie I laugh my arse off you got you're Political thread here it is THE ONLY reason you started it why Tom puts up with you're bull dung is beyond me? Maybe you are a contributor financially to this site? Who knows but it is baffling the baloney you pull on here. it's certainly not because you have ANYTHING that is remotely intellectual to say.

State control of Natrual Reasources is the best plan we know our resources much better than Fedzilla.


Having met maggie, I have absolutely no doubt he'd be the first to shoot a wolf, pulling out the 44 from his glove compartment (if it was even that far away from him :) ).

G, at what point of population would you think warrants a wolf hunt?


Quote from: bigG on January 31, 2015, 07:42:41 AM
"By 2007, the recovery goal for the Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan wolf populations had not only been met but had nearly tripled, requiring delisting. By 2008, the recovery goal for the northern Rockies –  100 wolves and 10 breeding pairs in each of the three states (Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho) also had been exceeded by at least 300 percent."

Despite the scientific evidence, the Center for Biological Diversity and its allies got a court order blocking delisting.

No link to any other "science" but this blurb. Aaaalllll politics.

But, of all these pages, this is the first indication of any science to back your position. NRA science.

I'll take my weak poly sci class over your degree from Nugent U, any day.

I'll be waiting for the "chill out dude" from you. :)

We'd better act on this pressing matter; and right quick.  ::)

Still don't see where your getting the Nugent thing from.


Quote from: bigoil on January 31, 2015, 11:07:44 AM
Having met maggie, I have absolutely no doubt he'd be the first to shoot a wolf, pulling out the 44 from his glove compartment (if it was even that far away from him :) ).

G, at what point of population would you think warrants a wolf hunt?

At the point where scientists who study them addendum and put them in the management plan. Then , after some time, if the experts see it as a success, leave it to the states.

I think there is enough evidence to make the hunt part of the plan. I'm no expert. But, neither are Wrestle 84 nor ramjet.

84, I get the Nugent thing from justifying the hunt with really scant science. "Should be able to killa whatcha want."

Eagle season is just around the corner. They're stealing all my fish, so I want to start eating them. Our state should be able to make that legal, too. Right?

I said before, BigOil, that this will happen. Just gotta take the proper steps.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 01, 2015, 11:34:32 AM
Quote from: bigoil on January 31, 2015, 11:07:44 AM
Having met maggie, I have absolutely no doubt he'd be the first to shoot a wolf, pulling out the 44 from his glove compartment (if it was even that far away from him :) ).

G, at what point of population would you think warrants a wolf hunt?

At the point where scientists who study them addendum and put them in the management plan. Then , after some time, if the experts see it as a success, leave it to the states.

I think there is enough evidence to make the hunt part of the plan. I'm no expert. But, neither are Wrestle 84 nor ramjet.

84, I get the Nugent thing from justifying the hunt with really scant science. "Should be able to killa whatcha want."

Eagle season is just around the corner. They're stealing all my fish, so I want to start eating them. Our state should be able to make that legal, too. Right?

I said before, BigOil, that this will happen. Just gotta take the proper steps.

So even though this has nothing to do with Nugent, you just made hat part up and through it in? How can I debate logic like that?


"How can I debate logic like that?"

It's not hard to debate Nugent logic; just think for a bit. :)

Let them change the plan. The conservation plan is of federal origin. Be hard for a Fed judge to debate with a federal plan based on science and success; and untouched by political activists.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


G I for the most part respect you but you're last sentence is total and complete lie all the "science" is influenced and a result of political pandering the funding alone clearly indicates politics so either you're politics or you are just ignoring the reality for the sake of arguing with anyone who disagrees with you.


Quote from: ramjet on February 01, 2015, 12:09:49 PM
G I for the most part respect you but you're last sentence is total and complete lie all the "science" is influenced and a result of political pandering the funding alone clearly indicates politics so either you're politics or you are just ignoring the reality for the sake of arguing with anyone who disagrees with you.

You should have been a carpenter, you just hit the nail right on the head.


Quote from: ramjet on February 01, 2015, 12:09:49 PM
G I for the most part respect you but you're last sentence is total and complete lie all the "science" is influenced and a result of political pandering the funding alone clearly indicates politics so either you're politics or you are just ignoring the reality for the sake of arguing with anyone who disagrees with you.

Show me what science you feel is "influenced." You've shown nothing this whole thread. You keep hitting your thumb with that hammer.

I read most of the management plan. What part do you disagree with? To me it sure sounded like they were ready for a hunt.

Please just show me what science you disagree with. Most of what I've seen would justify a hunt. To bad the power had to be thrown into the hands of politicians, or they probably be delisted and up for addendum to the plan. The state jumped the gun on the plan.

I know 84 doesn't want to believe such a thing could influence the feds. Think again.

Should the state be able to legalize bald eagle hunting if they are delisted? States have already tried and the evil fed stopped them.

Please show me this poli-sci, ramjet. I'll read it.

The state jumped the gun on the fed plan. I do think that had an impact on the judge's ruling; as well as some politically trumped up "science" from the humane society. Maybe we should just get rid of all the wolves so neither political side can have them.


We should all be able to hunt eagles. They are delisted many places.

Should a state be able to legalize eagle hunting? Very similar to wolfs. They just eat fish, instead of rabbit and deer.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 02, 2015, 06:41:55 AM
Quote from: ramjet on February 01, 2015, 12:09:49 PM
G I for the most part respect you but you're last sentence is total and complete lie all the "science" is influenced and a result of political pandering the funding alone clearly indicates politics so either you're politics or you are just ignoring the reality for the sake of arguing with anyone who disagrees with you.

Show me what science you feel is "influenced." You've shown nothing this whole thread. You keep hitting your thumb with that hammer.

I read most of the management plan. What part do you disagree with? To me it sure sounded like they were ready for a hunt.

Please just show me what science you disagree with. Most of what I've seen would justify a hunt. To bad the power had to be thrown into the hands of politicians, or they probably be delisted and up for addendum to the plan. The state jumped the gun on the plan.

I know 84 doesn't want to believe such a thing could influence the feds. Think again.

Should the state be able to legalize bald eagle hunting if they are delisted? States have already tried and the evil fed stopped them.

Please show me this poli-sci, ramjet. I'll read it.

The state jumped the gun on the fed plan. I do think that had an impact on the judge's ruling; as well as some politically trumped up "science" from the humane society. Maybe we should just get rid of all the wolves so neither political side can have them.


We should all be able to hunt eagles. They are delisted many places.

Should a state be able to legalize eagle hunting? Very similar to wolfs. They just eat fish, instead of rabbit and deer.

You still don't get it. You keep blowing hot air about the state and a hunt, but you have failed to show anything that says the judge relisted wolves because of any hunt. They were relisted because Obama's USFW team didn't cross all the T's. You keep talking but provide no evidence of the claims you make. Like Ram said, you just want to argue because someone disagrees with your OPINION. Show me the facts.


Quote from: bigG on February 02, 2015, 06:41:55 AM
Quote from: ramjet on February 01, 2015, 12:09:49 PM
G I for the most part respect you but you're last sentence is total and complete lie all the "science" is influenced and a result of political pandering the funding alone clearly indicates politics so either you're politics or you are just ignoring the reality for the sake of arguing with anyone who disagrees with you.

Show me what science you feel is "influenced." You've shown nothing this whole thread. You keep hitting your thumb with that hammer.

I read most of the management plan. What part do you disagree with? To me it sure sounded like they were ready for a hunt.

Please just show me what science you disagree with. Most of what I've seen would justify a hunt. To bad the power had to be thrown into the hands of politicians, or they probably be delisted and up for addendum to the plan. The state jumped the gun on the plan.

I know 84 doesn't want to believe such a thing could influence the feds. Think again.

Should the state be able to legalize bald eagle hunting if they are delisted? States have already tried and the evil fed stopped them.

Please show me this poli-sci, ramjet. I'll read it.

The state jumped the gun on the fed plan. I do think that had an impact on the judge's ruling; as well as some politically trumped up "science" from the humane society. Maybe we should just get rid of all the wolves so neither political side can have them.


We should all be able to hunt eagles. They are delisted many places.

Should a state be able to legalize eagle hunting? Very similar to wolfs. They just eat fish, instead of rabbit and deer.

The suit was filed and paid for and defended by the Humane Society they are a extremist political machine that get money from George Soros and they use that money to pa the scientists that where used during the legal briefs stop being so dense.

this had nothing to do with killing wolves it has everything to do with a Fedzilla overreach. This had nothing to do with science it has everything to do with a tree hugger extremist group that filed suit in a court where the Judge did not use the rule of law but politics to make ruling that removed control of resources by the state.


I have only one opinion on this: that the hunt should be included in the plan before any state politicians make it legal. That's her.

How many pages and the only "science" to the contrary is a blurb?

It is my opinion that the judge and humane society acted on the state-legalized hunt. Just like it's only ram's opinion (apparently yours as well) that the state was justified to legalize the hunt and that the judge is a liberal tree-hugger.

I guess I have two opinions on this.

1. the hunt before plan thing
2. Details aside, the two political sides deserve one another.

Someone on the state side was given money to pay for a retired fish US F&W to right up the state legislation. Money comes from both sides.

You didn't answer my question, Ram. Should a state be able to make delisted bald eagles legal to hunt?
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Quote from: bigG on February 02, 2015, 08:39:10 AM
I have only one opinion on this: that the hunt should be included in the plan before any state politicians make it legal. That's her.

How many pages and the only "science" to the contrary is a blurb?

It is my opinion that the judge and humane society acted on the state-legalized hunt. Just like it's only ram's opinion (apparently yours as well) that the state was justified to legalize the hunt and that the judge is a liberal tree-hugger.

I guess I have two opinions on this.

1. the hunt before plan thing
2. Details aside, the two political sides deserve one another.

Someone on the state side was given money to pay for a retired fish US F&W to right up the state legislation. Money comes from both sides.

You didn't answer my question, Ram. Should a state be able to make delisted bald eagles legal to hunt?

Oh come stop being mellow dramatic States should have the control of the natural resources.Also you keep touting the "plan" "the scientists" well the plan specified the approval of the state legislature the pan that was originally drafted with the wolf biologists it was set that way so there as check and balance.....


I agree the state should control their own natural resources; but with endangered critters, we do need some checks and balances.

"well the plan specified the approval of the state legislature the pan that was originally drafted with the wolf biologists it was set that way so there as check and balance."

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.