
Started by bigG, July 28, 2014, 08:31:44 PM

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I knew things would be late this year. Starting with morels (usually the first thing I hunt every year). Right now, in the Coulee region, the conditions are great. Just harvested at least ten pounds of boletes (much better than morels, IMHO) and three pounds of cinnabar chanterelles (absolutely choice mushrooms).

If you love mushrooms, get out there. The best are in season.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Danger, Will Robinson!!!! Beware in fall. Most of the year, the deadly mushrooms, of which to beware are white spored (amanita) mushrooms. They can be white to grey to ochre. In the autumn, though, we have a very different mushroom that's brown and lives on dead wood (gallerina autumnalis),deadly gallerina looks similar to what people call honey buttons, honey mushrooms, etc. Aha, you alertly gather by the name, it can be a little dangerous. No silly silver spoon test works. No copper penny, chicken gizzard spell, whatever. You don't eat LBMs (little brown mushrooms) in the fall unless you are sure per the microscope/spores. I like to think I'm sporadically right. :)

Same symptoms and death as amanita poisoning. Takes some time for effects. Then it's too late. Liver transplant or death, right quick.

Happy mushroom hunting!!!! Found some nice oysters the other day.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.