Da' Bears!

Started by imnofish, September 22, 2013, 11:06:05 PM

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None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


I love it when they start out so impressively, and Chicago fans are on cloud nine. Then reality hits.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.


Let's look at their opponents thus far...

Cincy (only good team they have played so far, and good is still a stretch) and a last second TD wins it.
Minnesota - absolutely horrible 0-3 team who almost beat the Bears, once again took a last second score to win.
Pittsburgh - might be one of the worst teams in the AFC this year.  I see the fire-sale Browns even beating Pitt.

So wait until they play real good teams.  I see the Bears losing 3 of their next 4.  Losses- @ Detroit, vs Saints, @ Redskins.  They beat the hapless Giants.  That puts them at 4-4 and not so good anymore....
Strive for Perfection


Quote from: bkraus on September 23, 2013, 08:27:53 AM
Let's look at their opponents thus far...

Cincy (only good team they have played so far, and good is still a stretch) and a last second TD wins it.
Minnesota - absolutely horrible 0-3 team who almost beat the Bears, once again took a last second score to win.
Pittsburgh - might be one of the worst teams in the AFC this year.  I see the fire-sale Browns even beating Pitt.

So wait until they play real good teams.  I see the Bears losing 3 of their next 4.  Losses- @ Detroit, vs Saints, @ Redskins.  They beat the hapless Giants.  That puts them at 4-4 and not so good anymore....

Cincy was good enough to beat the Packers.  Are the Bears at the pinnacle, yet?  No, but they are improving.  No shame in supporting your team, whether you are a Packer fan or a Bear fan. 
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

The Last Ride

Quote from: imnofish on September 23, 2013, 04:49:23 PM
Quote from: bkraus on September 23, 2013, 08:27:53 AM
Let's look at their opponents thus far...

Cincy (only good team they have played so far, and good is still a stretch) and a last second TD wins it.
Minnesota - absolutely horrible 0-3 team who almost beat the Bears, once again took a last second score to win.
Pittsburgh - might be one of the worst teams in the AFC this year.  I see the fire-sale Browns even beating Pitt.

So wait until they play real good teams.  I see the Bears losing 3 of their next 4.  Losses- @ Detroit, vs Saints, @ Redskins.  They beat the hapless Giants.  That puts them at 4-4 and not so good anymore....

Cincy was good enough to beat the Packers.  Are the Bears at the pinnacle, yet?  No, but they are improving.  No shame in supporting your team, whether you are a Packer fan or a Bear fan. 

Fish... you are right man.. stay a die hard no matter what. I bleed green and gold but I don't mind the Bears... Might be because my dad's army buddy from Waukesha brought me to my first pro football game between the Bears and the Vikings at Met Center in Bloomington MN.. He made me sing bear down chicago bears with him at the Met Center...I learned a lot about life that day... if you know what I mean...  ;) Can't really ever root for the Queens though......On this end of the state it is Packers/Vikings who can't stand each other..
"Do or do not. There is no try."

– Yoda


Quote from: The Last Ride on September 23, 2013, 11:11:47 PM
Quote from: imnofish on September 23, 2013, 04:49:23 PM
Quote from: bkraus on September 23, 2013, 08:27:53 AM
Let's look at their opponents thus far...

Cincy (only good team they have played so far, and good is still a stretch) and a last second TD wins it.
Minnesota - absolutely horrible 0-3 team who almost beat the Bears, once again took a last second score to win.
Pittsburgh - might be one of the worst teams in the AFC this year.  I see the fire-sale Browns even beating Pitt.

So wait until they play real good teams.  I see the Bears losing 3 of their next 4.  Losses- @ Detroit, vs Saints, @ Redskins.  They beat the hapless Giants.  That puts them at 4-4 and not so good anymore....

Cincy was good enough to beat the Packers.  Are the Bears at the pinnacle, yet?  No, but they are improving.  No shame in supporting your team, whether you are a Packer fan or a Bear fan. 

Fish... you are right man.. stay a die hard no matter what. I bleed green and gold but I don't mind the Bears... Might be because my dad's army buddy from Waukesha brought me to my first pro football game between the Bears and the Vikings at Met Center in Bloomington MN.. He made me sing bear down chicago bears with him at the Met Center...I learned a lot about life that day... if you know what I mean...  ;) Can't really ever root for the Queens though......On this end of the state it is Packers/Vikings who can't stand each other..

Thanks, Ride.  Actually, the Packers are my #2 team.  I cheer for them when they are not playing the Bears.  The Vikings, on the other hand, are at the bottom of my list. 
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


Growing up in Milwaukee, you hear a lot of Bear hate. But, in reality, as great as the rivalry is, many I know are Bears fans when they don't play the Pack. Makes the division stronger when both teams win.

I cheer Bears when they aren't playing the Pack. Individual players, though, are different. I think Cutler is the biggest panzy to wear the Bear's uniform eve. Keep him!
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.




had to love how Aykroyd seen'em......da-bears, bears......s   bears, daaaaaaaaaaa bears , AHHHHbEARS, BAERSSSSSSSSSSZ... :D
and a joint was a bad place to be.
        stupid quotes from friends
"" I Trust Fox News more than any other source""--FAN
  ""I am sorry i called you a genius'"'-HOUND
"" Teachers brought this on all by themselves, plain and simple-RAMMY


I still think the bears have a complete collapse coming to them.  And I knew every bears fan in the world would come back with "you lost to the Bengals".  Yeah we did.  Played our worst game in a long time and still almost beat them.  The bears will come out when the meat of the schedule begins this week.
Strive for Perfection


Let's face it; It's all just entertainment, unless you are actually making a living at it.  Still fun to watch and talk about.
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


Growing up in the Western side of the state the Vikings were always my least favorite team by far.  Bears are a division rival but really dislike even the Lions more than the Bears.  At least the Bears still play outside unlike other teams in our division. 

That said, I too think the Bears are in for a fall and still think the Packers win the division.  And I really dislike Cutler (although he was pretty good on The League last week so that's even getting tough).  For some reason he and Eli Manning just look like their total tools. 
Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist - Pablo Picasso


Quote from: DrSnide on September 24, 2013, 11:36:32 AM
Growing up in the Western side of the state the Vikings were always my least favorite team by far.  Bears are a division rival but really dislike even the Lions more than the Bears.  At least the Bears still play outside unlike other teams in our division. 

That said, I too think the Bears are in for a fall and still think the Packers win the division.  And I really dislike Cutler (although he was pretty good on The League last week so that's even getting tough).  For some reason he and Eli Manning just look like their total tools.  

Because they are.   ;D
"This page intentionally left blank".


I loved Walter Payton. Pretty much dislike every other Bear and Bear team. They are the Packer rival this year in regards to the division, unless Detroit can finally start playing to their potential.

Christian Ponder at QB for the Vikings pretty much guarantees a losing record as far as I'm concerned.
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


Dan Hampton, Keith Van Horne are some of the guys I did like on the Bears. Richard Dent was another.

I really should not say this, but I was/am a Jim McMahon fan but I would cheer him to do good in 14 games during the year but the other 2, not so much ;)

Didnt like the Bears because of the rivals but I did like some of the guys on the team.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet