New middle school team in La Crosse

Started by RedalertHWT, October 09, 2017, 06:51:58 PM

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Longfellow and Lincoln will be starting a middle school program in hopes to grow the sport and eventually get Central Wrestling to be able to support their own team in the future. They will be doing the early middle school season start of November- End of December.   Looking for local Dual meets and tournaments during the season, contact Jeff Van Maanen ( or Cory Scanlan ( If you can help us create our schedule, thanks!
Cory Scanlan, La Crosse Area Wrestlers (LAW)


Great News

A couple to consider

November 11th Spencer Invite in Baraboo (MS Dual Tournament - Gold, Silver and Bronze) contact Harry Nelson
December 9th Middleton Invite Dylan Lindeman Memorial Tournament (MS & HS JV) Aaron Bock
A goal without a plan is nothing more than a wish