Setting and reaching goals.....IT'S TIME!

Started by TruckerCapAttack_1977, February 10, 2017, 09:34:36 PM

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Every wrestler needs to set goals this time of year.  I prefer to set goals everyday of my life....24/7/365.25.

Going into regionals most of the work has been done......or not done, so your goals should be realistic and reflect your effort and investment up to this point but still require a continued latatudinganal effort.

I will give some examples of goals I would set:

Goal 1: I am going to have more points than a barrel full of porcupines. 

Goal 2: I am going to stick you so hard that you're going to need a 4 wheel drive helicopter to peal you off the mat.

Goal 3: I will push my mental and physical limits to a level of unconscious competence.

Goal 4: When you choose to step on the mat with me, you will not believe what happens next, even while it is happening.

These are what I would consider level 3 goals on a scale from 1-5.  Level 4-5 goals can only be shared with those that have a matching commitment,  like my commitment coach used to say....... Involvement and commitment is like bacon and eggs....the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.

Unsolicited advice for the weekend: Be on your opponent like rust on a pump handle. 

What advice and goals do you have as we head into the post season?  Coach or wrestler....lets hear it!

Do you wanna see my PETERBUILT?!


My advice is just try your best and be happy you were given the chance to try.


Great fun, as always Trucker!  Sure you don't write for The Onion?   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

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