Sushil Kumar or Narsingh Yadav to Rio

Started by TomM, May 26, 2016, 10:03:38 AM

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Wrestling the biggest loser

By The New Indian Express Published: 26th May 2016 06:00 AM Last Updated: 25th May 2016 10:37 PM

It's funny, how off-the-field spectacles grab more eyeballs than the game itself. Take the curious case of multiple Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar and World Championships bronze winner Narsingh Yadav. The two are exceptionally talented wrestlers no doubt. But what they have got into was avoidable had the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) been more proactive. What Sushil is asking for is definitely not diabolical or sinister. He has won two Olympic medals and has every right to ask for a trial.

If you delve a little deeper, perhaps, his argument seems hollow. Consider this: he has been plagued with injuries for some time and not competed since the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. When given a chance just before the World Championships last year, to wrestle against Narsingh, he withdrew at the last moment citing shoulder injury. Though Sushil joined the national camp early this year, the 32-year-old is yet to compete at an international event. On the other hand, Narsingh has been competing everywhere. He is six years younger than Sushil. He has secured the quota at one of the grandest of stages — the World Championships. He believes he deserves the right to represent India. If he doesn't, it will be a big setback for young wrestlers.

Let's consider the role of the third protagonist — WFI. If we judge the issue dispassionately, what it is doing seems very brave. Not many federations in the country have the courage to go against popular sentiments. They believe if they hold one trial, everyone will demand the same. Perhaps, the only thing they bungled was while communicating their decision to Sushil. The issue has started affecting the preparations too. With just over two months to go for Rio Olympics, wrestlers are not sure who will represent the country. Even the sports ministry has stopped the Target Olympic Podium Scheme assistance for wrestlers. Not a healthy sign for a sport that fetched India two medals at the London Olympics.
Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"