Rutt is going to Iowa

Started by leg turk, July 20, 2015, 01:30:17 PM

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I think just like football even the best assistants could be good head coaches but if they feel they will not have that opportunity they move on to greener pastures.

So is that a list opportunity how many has Wisvonsin had in the last few years that were sick of waiting around?

Mitch Hull as stated is a "volunteer coach" tha adds a different dynamic and not positive one at that.


Quote from: littleguy301 on July 28, 2015, 09:50:28 PM
I have a few thought about this

First,,,,I seriously doubt that the UW pays anything close in a  total package to BD in the amount of 700,000-800,000 a year. I would be shocked if the total package is 200,000

Second,,,I realize JT hasnt had the success at the college level as one thought but while people blame BD I have to ask if JT is also willing to buy into a system or get to the top at the college level.

Third,,,,while at first I wasnt overly thrilled with the hiring of TB and KR but after a few year they both have suceeded what I ever thought they could do and I also think at this point I think they have only scratched the surface of what they can do on the college level, I am stooked about both of them.

Quote from: Josh Crass on July 28, 2015, 07:16:13 PM
Anybody that defends this situation with BD staying head coach is either his buddy or has no competitive edge... sometimes I wish I didn't care

Let it be noted that I am talking about BD only. Trevor and Kyle are awesome Guys and Great Coaches and I think on their own we would have more success, than them learning from the present example.

I have to agree on this statement.

Fifth,,,,I enjoy the Badgers and will always be a fan but I have to refer to number 4.

Quote from: Josh Crass on July 28, 2015, 07:15:07 PM
any basketball reference is immediately scoffed at if you can coach off a clip board you can coach in a wheel chair sorry mkm13 different sports whats next a Football reference?

JRod, I seriously doubt that he does anything on a mat and hasnt for quite a while now. I remember a few years back when his knee replacement went bad and he went without a knee for some time, but he was at all the home duals I was at. Side Note: I think most know Brandon Eggum basically runs the day to day operations.

I do feel a coach can run a top notch program with out rolling on the mat with the guys. A good coach surrounds himself with good coaches and as many as you can get to work with as many kids one on one.

Seventh,,,,having Mitch Hull on board is only going to help. I dont care about his age I care about how much he is doing and helping out. I read that he got a couple of outside people in and people say so what, I say that is better than getting none in. Only a step in the right direction

eighth,,,you can blame the coach, you can blame the wrestler. If someone knew why certain kids dont do well in college and some do awesome,,,,well they would be the highest pay recruiter on the planet!

Well said LG. I think it is time for a new head coach, but having Mitch Hull in town is only going to help the program


I don't believe jt ever committed to the Badgers , I think he committed to his international career thru the Badgers , big difference. If I was top five in the world I would be at otc not Madison .its not bd fault for not bringing college success to jt when he was not all in, it was not however a wise investment by bd tho and Imo he should of known better when jt laid out his 7 yr plan before he signed. That being said I have met jt he is an awesome young man and wish him the very best for the rest of his career and will cheer wildly for him.