Very even handed article on Whitnall/Greendale co-op

Started by 1Iota, December 22, 2014, 07:00:58 PM

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Send him to greenfield... Then there will be no issue. They seem to be on the rise and don't need a co op. Just a thought ghetto. Even though I know you have questioned otto as a coach in the past :) my kid loves wrestling at greenfield.


I have not questioned Otto. I've known him since he was a middle school coach. I was playing Devils advocate. Trying to understand the thinking behind why the co-op with Whitnall and Greendale and not Greenfield.

I can't even get my ex to agree to send my kids to Bay, (Greendale doesn't have gymnastics for my daughter either) so I'm guessing she won't be ok with Greenfield either. She did work at Greenfield HS tho.

I clearly need to watch what I say. I have ticked off a lot of coaches involved in this situation and I don't feel negatively about any of them.

New Years resolution.  ;)
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


And Greenfield beat us once again at the Stech. I can't really question his coaching.
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


Quote from: Ghetto on December 24, 2014, 11:56:04 AM
I clearly need to watch what I say. I have ticked off a lot of coaches involved in this situation and I don't feel negatively about any of them.
How? Why? You haven't said anything even remotely negative... ???

Jeff Farrell

I they truly upset with you, than that further validates that deep down, they know what was done wasn't right, or at the very least not done in the right way.  Why is it not alright for you to have your own opinion on the subject?


With the number of wrestlers Whitnall had in their program and with them having a solid team for many years, they certainly did not need to co-op. Greendale's numbers were down but they had some very good wrestlers. Every program has up & down years. They needed to do a better job recruiting and inspiring kids to wrestle.  These teams certainly cooped so they could build a championship team.


I'm the HC at a small D3 school. I wrestled for this school and now have coached for 12 years, 4 as HC. We had a co-op for 4 years at one point. Our football team is co-op'ed with the same school. We knew there was one family that had two boy's that wrestled, so we gave the co-op a try. Long story short each of the two boys left the Catholic school they were at for the public school in their town. So one of the four years we had both wrestlers. We ended the co-op and moved on. I don't like how it ended, we kind of got burned. That said, next year we are going to try and resume that co-op. The other school started a jr. high program and I want these kids to have a place to wrestle in HS. Maybe I'll get burned again, maybe not. Either way if it gives kids a chance to wrestle a co-op can be a good thing.

I read the article and all the response's. I know my situation is different from that of the school's mentioned. Just wanted add something to the conversation. We haven't had a full lineup in 16 years. I'm close this year, only two forfeits. As a head coach, IT'S HARD to fill 14 weight classes, especially in a small school. I don't have back ups.

Maybe it's time for the WIAA to help fix the issue! Are 14 weight classes really necessary? Only 10 in college and 14 in HS? I realize that plenty of schools can fill them. I think 12 is a realistic number. Or, we done like MN does and allow 7th and 8th grade to wrestle HS. Again, plenty of schools that don't need this option but I think there is plenty that need that option.

Just my 2 cents, but what do I know, I'm just a coach! ;)


AWESOME!! JHI, too many weight classes, and the coach "not doing enough" to get a full squad!! That's 3 of biggest issues on the board all brought up in 1 post! BRAVO!! ;D


Quote from: crossface21 on December 26, 2014, 06:20:04 PM
AWESOME!! JHI, too many weight classes, and the coach "not doing enough" to get a full squad!! That's 3 of biggest issues on the board all brought up in 1 post! BRAVO!! ;D

But we are so early in the season for the 12 weights conversation.  ;D

I predict someone will get long winded after state.  ;)
As long as we are keeping score, I've got something to prove


Quote from: CoachZ on December 26, 2014, 05:31:05 PM
I'm the HC at a small D3 school. I wrestled for this school and now have coached for 12 years, 4 as HC. We had a co-op for 4 years at one point. Our football team is co-op'ed with the same school. We knew there was one family that had two boy's that wrestled, so we gave the co-op a try. Long story short each of the two boys left the Catholic school they were at for the public school in their town. So one of the four years we had both wrestlers. We ended the co-op and moved on. I don't like how it ended, we kind of got burned. That said, next year we are going to try and resume that co-op. The other school started a jr. high program and I want these kids to have a place to wrestle in HS. Maybe I'll get burned again, maybe not. Either way if it gives kids a chance to wrestle a co-op can be a good thing.

I read the article and all the response's. I know my situation is different from that of the school's mentioned. Just wanted add something to the conversation. We haven't had a full lineup in 16 years. I'm close this year, only two forfeits. As a head coach, IT'S HARD to fill 14 weight classes, especially in a small school. I don't have back ups.

Maybe it's time for the WIAA to help fix the issue! Are 14 weight classes really necessary? Only 10 in college and 14 in HS? I realize that plenty of schools can fill them. I think 12 is a realistic number. Or, we done like MN does and allow 7th and 8th grade to wrestle HS. Again, plenty of schools that don't need this option but I think there is plenty that need that option.

Just my 2 cents, but what do I know, I'm just a coach! ;)

I'm a D3 guy, too. Love this little school. When we co-oped (without needing help), we weren't ostracized. But we didn't inherit a bunch of studs. 2 newbies. So my situation is a little different. Those two kids helped start their club, and then, a few years later (because of many great parents, kids, alum, and school)they came out full force. Glad they roll on their own and are a renewed rival of ours. Healthy stuff.

Hope you get the kids, bud. You sound like you have the right attitude.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.