This is about shows that are OVER/DISCONTINUED... NO new episodes being made.

Started by TomM, August 30, 2014, 01:28:41 PM

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This is about shows that are OVER/DISCONTINUED... NO new episodes being made.

TV shows I liked, that I wish could have continued.   
King of the Hill
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Cold Case
Breaking Bad
The Wire
Northern Exposure

I liked these, but it was ok they ended.
All in the Family
Dexter (sort of wished it would continue.. but...)
My name is Earl

Shows I never enjoyed:
Greys Anatomy

Shows I am/was neutral on (not so interested... to pat)
How I met your mother

(I have never watched The Sopranos, yet.)
Seek excellence and truth instead of fame -John Prime
Courage is grace under pressure - Ernest Hemingway
Advocating "matside weigh-in" since 1997
"That's why they wrestle the matches"


Wish They Never Ended

Andy Griffith Show
Smothers Brothers Show
Happy Days
Quantum Leap
Carol Burnett Show
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


So many thought the Sopranos was so great... it was good but I may not rank it in my top 10, never really left me waiting to see the next episode. Now Breaking Bad, that was a masterpiece, best series I have ever seen. I also liked Dexter a lot, like the shows where the person is always about to be caught and see how they get away. Jericho was good but short lived. Just starting The Wire. Sons of Anarchy is in the final season, I would say overall I give that an 8 out of 10, a few really good seasons, others where OK.

I could talk about Breaking Bad for days, that show is just brilliant. You have to watch it beginning to end to really see the brilliance with the way the characters start and how they end up. They not only turn an everyday guy into a huge kingpin, they make it believable. Most shows fade out as they progress and start to loose you, that show got better each season and the last season was the best.
I am not in danger, I AM the danger!

Dale Einerson

I have only watched the occasional Breaking Bad, but I have heard so much positive I wonder if that doesn't go on the list for Netflix binging...

Sons of Anarchy fan, though, season 7 is a disappointment compared to the rest.  Sons ends after this season.

Was a Dexter fan as well. 

I was a M*A*S*H fan, but agree, it was time to end when it ended. Many moons ago I went to a M*A*S*H costume party, that was a hoot with about 80 people taking the effort to be in character seriously.

Was a serious Seinfeld fan in its day, was disappointed to see it end. 


Quote from: Dale Einerson on October 15, 2014, 08:55:51 AM
I have only watched the occasional Breaking Bad, but I have heard so much positive I wonder if that doesn't go on the list for Netflix binging...

Sons of Anarchy fan, though, season 7 is a disappointment compared to the rest.  Sons ends after this season.

Was a Dexter fan as well. 

I was a M*A*S*H fan, but agree, it was time to end when it ended. Many moons ago I went to a M*A*S*H costume party, that was a hoot with about 80 people taking the effort to be in character seriously.

Was a serious Seinfeld fan in its day, was disappointed to see it end. 

BB is something you really need to watch from the beginning. It is a true masterpiece how they develop the characters and how good the acting is, I also like how it can be so serious at times and then comical. You definitely start to cheer for and against the main characters. I think it starts getting good by the middle to end of season 1, then by the end of season 2 it is ON big time. The last 2 seasons are amazing and it has a great ending to the series as well. I have watched the entire series 3 times and I will watch it again.
I am not in danger, I AM the danger!