What is the State pin record in a season?

Started by my4sons, January 11, 2014, 08:25:14 AM

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Does anyone know the Wisconsin State pin record?


That probably depends on how many times I was on my back.  JK!    ;)
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Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

Vinsanity 4

I would bet Rocky Biegel WR late 80s is up there. PURE BEAST!


I'm pretty sure Wade Lorenz got the record his senior year, but I'm sure it has been broken since then given the increase in matches from 2004/2005.


Not quite sure what the record is, but my guess is Hunter Weber may havr it with a career total 189 pins of 212 matches...and if I was a bettin man is say they all came from that half nelson of his :D


Rocky Biegel was a BEAST, but he didn't wrestle 50+ matches in the late 80's early 90's. Hunter Weber was a pinnin' machine.  I'm guessing he has that State Pin Record.


Hunter is probably right. I think Wade only had like 35 matches most seasons. 50 matches is a lot and based on Hunter's dominance it makes sense.


I am sure he didn't wrestle enough matches but I believe Shawn Ange pinned everyone he wrestled his senior year except the MP kid in the state finals. And I think that was a tech fall.


I believe it was Hunter Weber also. I am suprised that he found 52 kids to pin let alone wrestle  him. I figured he would get alot of forfeits.

Reguards to Rocky Beigal, he isnt his own schools pin record holder. I believe Devin Peterson had more pins than Rocky had wins. It comes down to shear matches wrestled. Though Rocky would be high on the list of % of pins vs matches wrestled. I think he had over 100 pins in probably 130 matches wrestled.
If life is tough,,,,wear a helmet


Wasn't there a Rockhill or Rockwell from BayPort that was a big guy and won by pin in every match of his season?  Again back when there were fewer matches.

Rocky Biegel was the most intimidating wrestler I ever witnessed just by his size, aggression, and talent.
Of Course, this is only my opinion and no one elses!