Packers vs. da' Bears Monday Nov. 4, 2013

Started by TomM, October 28, 2013, 11:32:12 AM

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It's a week away... but...

Tougher for Bears without Cutler and Briggs.  
Packer special teams are a bit soft (understatement?) with current injury list.  
Not sure if Bears are a better team than Minnesota with missing Cutler and Briggs.  Wouldn't say they are the same, but both teams are hurting.
Bears do have win over Cincy, whom defeated Packers.
Packers have no wins over top teams.
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Quote from: TomM on October 28, 2013, 11:32:12 AM
It's a week away... but...

Tougher for Bears without Cutler and Briggs.  
Packer special teams are a bit soft (understatement?) with current injury list.  
Not sure if Bears are a better team than Minnesota with missing Cutler and Briggs.  Wouldn't say they are the same, but both teams are hurting.
Bears do have win over Cincy, whom defeated Packers.
Packers have no wins over top teams.
I would consider Baltimore on the road a verry good win for the Pack. You are right, the Bears beat Cincy in Chicago with a late score. We lost to Cincy on the road when a rookie mishandled the ball and was returned for a TD. We have way more injuries but I think the Bears injuries are more critical at this point because the Packers have better overall talent.

Packers 34- 13.


I think losing Briggs hurts more than losing Cutler. He's a great LB.
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.