Crone article

Started by imwi, February 02, 2016, 02:44:40 PM

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Great article. Thanks for posting.


"It was a really big win. I'm hoping to use it as momentum to get on a roll here," Crone said. "The score was 8-6, but I feel like I definitely wrestled better than the score showed. I know if we wrestled again, it's definitely not going to be 8-6. It's going to be a lot more in my favor."

-I thought the same thing when I watched the match. I'm really happy and impressed that he recognized how well he controlled that match, but also that he recognized how much more he could have done.

"I have big matches coming up with Rutgers and Minnesota," Crone said. "Those are definitely matches I think I can, and should, win."

-Good for him! I love his perspective. What's not to like about Andrew Crone right now?! As has been mentioned previously, he is fighter - his confidence is growing as is his skill-set. Let's hope the young guns in the room are benefiting from Mr. Crone's attitude and work ethic every day in the room.


I like his attitude.  Great to see him making progress!
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. -Johann Von Goethe

Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!


"Cranking up the tempo" 

"Always on guys"

"Pushing the pace"

I love to read quotes like this coming from a Badger wrestler and it shows in his matches.  Keep fighting Andrew!


Andrew is going to go very far in wrestling and life with this work ethic and attitude. Great drive. Glad someone took notice and gave recognition to his efforts. Great stuff.