UW vs Rutgers, 1-22-16, Friday

Started by leg turk, January 18, 2016, 08:49:39 AM

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leg turk

I see Minnesota knocked off Rutgers this past weekend.  Hoping the Badgers have enough fire power to stay with them.
Rutgers wrestlers ranked by Intermat.

125. ----
133. Giraldo #18
141. Ashnault #4
149. ------
157. Lewis #15
165. Perrotti #10
174. -----
197. -----
Hwt. Smith #16


In the Minnesota dual, Phil Bakuckas lost to Nick Wanzek at 174, and John Van Brill wrestled at 157 instead of Richie Lewis.

Per Wrestling Report rankings
125 JJ vs #20 Sean McCabe
133 #11 RT vs #16 Anthony Geraldo
141 ? vs #3 Anthony Ashnault
149 AC vs #30 Tyson Dippery
157 TJR vs ? John Vanbrill or #10 Richie Lewis
165 #3 IJ vs #5 Anthony Perotti
174 #23 RR vs #20 Phil Bakuckas
184 RC vs #18 Nick Gravina
197 EP vs Anthony Messner
285 BH vs #15 Billy Smith
Life is a bowl of cherries.


I think we win this dual. Lots of good matchups for us.


Quote from: wrastle63 on January 18, 2016, 09:41:55 AM
I think we win this dual. Lots of good matchups for us.

Sure looks like it could be a 6-4 or 5-5 dual. Lots up toss up bouts. Bonus points could definitely decide it.