Merrill 32 Wausau West 31

Started by The Last Ride, December 20, 2013, 07:09:06 AM

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The Last Ride

7-7 in matches.. Who was there? Please report.  :o Was it as good of a dual as it looked on trackwrestling?
"Do or do not. There is no try."

– Yoda


It came down to the last match(152) and the Merrill kid could not get pinned or it would have been tied and West would have won on criteria. Great dual between two good teams.


Anyone know why Reinhardt didn't wrestle or how long he will be out?


Many things made that dual way to close.  Rhinehardt was not in line up, It was Pophals first match (He looked bad), Scooter was not wrestling as smart as he needed to, the forfeit to Hettinga almost backfired because the upper weights for Merrill had to wrestle up, Welch got sloppy and lost his Major decision.  Bottom line I believe Merrill dominates if this match is later in year but it wasn't.  West was pumped up and they wrestled smart and it was an exciting dual that they almost pulled off.


Great dual by both teams. West was in much better shape than Merrill. Very questionable last match, but inappropriate term3 of a dual!


Quote from: wrastle63 on December 20, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
Great dual by both teams. West was in much better shape than Merrill. Very questionable last match, but blazes of a dual!

What was questionable about the last match?
thats the bottom line
On Wisconsin!


Quote from: head57 on December 20, 2013, 04:26:34 PM
Quote from: wrastle63 on December 20, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
Great dual by both teams. West was in much better shape than Merrill. Very questionable last match, but blazes of a dual!

What was questionable about the last match?

Early in the 2nd period Baine locked up a tight cradle with a lot of time on the clock and looked like he was very close to a pin when the Merrill wrestler started tapping out and the action was subsequently stopped.


Neither team was at full strength, west had their heavyweight starter out with an injury and the upperweights wrestling up as well, also their 106 starter didnt make weight, it'll be interestling to see these two teams at full strength in the tournament season.


hmmm, no excuse please... ;)....sounded like a great match to watch..
and a joint was a bad place to be.
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The Last Ride

 Kostroski on a mission. I don't think it was a fluke he beat Pophal.. 16-0 now. 4th seed at the Marty Loy and won it all.
"Do or do not. There is no try."

– Yoda