AWA Preseason Clinics

Started by TomM, October 16, 2013, 07:39:33 PM

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AWA Preseason Clinics
November 9-10, 2013
Tomahawk and Delafield
AWA Preseason Clinics
All Clinics, for grades 5-12, will cost $65.00, which will include lunch on Saturday and a T-Shirt. All camps will run 9-11:30am & 12:00-2:30pm on Saturday and 9:00-12:00 on Sunday.
Go To to register. Last seasons preseason clinic sold out in 8 days, make sure you don't miss your spot.
November 9-10 Tomahawk High School-Main Clinician Ben Askren
*Cradles, Bar Arms and Hammerlocks
November 9-10 AWA Lake Country-Main Clinician John Mesenbrink
*Singles, Doubles and Front Headlocks /

November 16-17, 2013
Coleman and Mequon
AWA Preseason Clinics
All Clinics, for grades 5-12, will cost $65.00, which will include lunch on Saturday and a T-Shirt. All camps will run 9-11:30am & 12:00-2:30pm on Saturday and 9:00-12:00 on Sunday.
Go To to register. Last seasons preseason clinic sold out in 8 days, make sure you don't miss your spot.
November 16-17 Coleman High School-Main Clinician Ben Askren
*Singles and High Crotches.
November 16-17 AWA North Shore-Main Clinician Max Askren
*Tilts and Leg Riding. /

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