Preseason State

Started by benaskren, September 07, 2014, 09:04:53 PM

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For those of you who have not heard we will be hosting the 1st ever preseason state tournament. This will be a great warm up for all of the Wisconsin Kids competing in the preaseason nationals the following weekend.

Use the link to find all the information
Ben Askren
Founder and Owner at AWA


Ben Askren
Founder and Owner at AWA


Hi Ben...couple questions in regards to PreSeason State. Someone asked if you have to register for PreSeason Nationals to compete in PreSeason State. Is that a requirement?

Also...the flyer states "The goal is to make the experience better for parent and wrestlers. When groups are put together and kids wrestle other kids who weigh the same it makes competition more enjoyable. Here is how it will go: When registering enter their weight. they must be within 2 pounds of the weight the whole tournament. the scales for the HS Division will be open all morning."

What does that mean? It reads like there is going to be continuous weigh-ins at the tournament. I like that idea, it would eliminate the kid cutting down from 140 to 120 and then bulking back up before the first match. Please clarify that statement.

BTW...GREAT idea...thanks for putting this tournament together.


No there is no requirement to have registered for preseason nationals.  Anyone can register.

The no weigh in concept is one that was very popular when Max was coaching in NY and we are trying to import it to WI bc it essentially eliminates cutting weight and having to show up early for tournaments somethings everyone hates.
Ben Askren
Founder and Owner at AWA


Hmm, might be a good time to try out the mat side weigh in idea.  It would only take a few seconds when they checked in at the table.  Nobody will cut and nobody can be dishonest.

I have a certified scale to lend you.  ;D


The HS wrestlers must be on weight correct?