Constant Motion System Camp

Started by purler wrestling, February 27, 2014, 07:07:16 PM

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purler wrestling

Constant Motion System Camp.

When: July 13-17, 20-24

Where: Tony Purler's Home Training Center. Holt Mo. (30 Min N of KC)

Who: 9 on up. Serious wrestlers only please.

Fee: 475.00 Includes room and board

All info is on 816-304-0313. facebook/purlerwestlingacademy; Twitter: @purlercamps

This is a 5 day System Camp. There will not be a host of clinicians showing their best moves. Rather, we will work to ensure that the kids learn a proven scoring system from all the core and common areas they wrestle in.  This include 'bad positions.'  Repetitive drilling, and hands on coaching will help their new found scoring routines become '2nd nature'.  We will cover all areas of the sport, with a strong focus on not just core system technique, but also 'how' to wrestle. By this I mean learning to move their opponent, outside wrestling, getting their opponents off balance, controlling ties, set ups, etc.  The bottom position is about building position, not just trying moves. Watch a college meet, and you will know what I'm talking about. The problem with large University camps is that they can't constantly Redrill and Reevaluate 400 wrestlers. Therefore, they show moves. I just choose to run my camps the way I run my Purler Wrestling Academy, where folks are counting on me to make their average son good in a short time.

50 wrestlers only. So register soon. thanks

Note: Looking for a takedown only system camp? Go to my twin brothers site for info. This is the 12th year he and I have been running this. It's an established camp with proven results.